BASP Table of Contents
VOLUME 1 (1963-4)
- [Frontmatter]
- The Society's Activities: 1 January- 30 June 1963
- Two Archives From Karanis Husselman, Elinor M.
- Astrological Papyri Van Heusen, Henry B.
- First Epistle of Peter, Sahidic Text Willis, William H.
- The Society's Activities: 1 July - 31 October 1963
- Studies In The Literary Papyri Of Oxyrhynchus Donovan, Bruce M.
- P.Yale Inventory 1729 Hobson, Deborah W.
- The Society's Activities: 1 November 1963- 29 February 1964
- Corpus of Latin Military Records Fink, Robert O.
- P.Atheniensis 58 Musurillo, Herbert A.
- P.Lat.Rob. inv. 1; Cic. Cat 1, 13-14 Willis, William H.
- P.Yale inv. 843 Oates, John F.
- Greek Papyri of the New Testament Metzger, Bruce M.
- The Society's Activities: 1 March - 30 June 1964
- The Beinecke Papyri Samuel, Alan E.
- Illumination By Castor Oil - P. Cornell 1 Samuel, Alan E.
- Soldiers' Receipts For Legacies Fink, Robert O.
- Chronological Aspects of Ptolemaic Land Leases Oates, John F.
VOLUME 2 (1964-5)
Issue 1
- The Society's Activities: 1 July - 30 September 1964
- The Orphic Papyrus Roll of Thessalonica Kapsomenos, S.G.
- Papyrology in Holland van Groningen, B.A.
- Papyrology in England Turner, E.G.
- Papyrology in Belgium Preaux, Claire
- Papyrology in Spain Galiano, M.F.
- The Bodmer Papyri Willis, W.H.
- The Arginusae Papyrus Welles, C.B.
- P.New York I Lewis, Naphtali
- P.Beinecke inv. 4, A New Fragment of Demosthenes Samuel, A.E.
Issue 2
- Preface Welles, C. Bradford
- Romanization of the Greek East: Introduction Welles, C. Bradford
- Romanization of the Greek East: The Evidence of Athens Kapetanopoulos, Elias A.
- Romanization of the Greek East: The Evidence of Egypt Oates, John F.
- Romanization of the Greek East: The Role of the Army Gilliam, J. Frank
- Romanization of the Greek East: Conclusion Welles, C. Bradford
- Notes on Two Literary Papyri Morel, Willy
Issue 3
- Annual Report 1964-65
- Exemption of Physicians From Liturgy Lewis, Napthali
- The Problem of Comanus Welles, C. Bradford
- The Beinecke Papyri, Lot II Samuel, Alan E.
VOLUME 3 (1965-6)
Issue 1
- The Society's Activities
- The Eleventh International Congress of Papyrology [Introduction]
- The Eleventh International Congress of Papyrology: Texts and Collections
- The Eleventh International Congress of Papyrology: Literary Papyrology
- The Eleventh International Congress of Papyrology: Law
- The Eleventh International Congress of Papyrology: Economic and Social Studies
- The Eleventh International Congress of Papyrology: Religion
- The Eleventh International Congress of Papyrology: Other Subjects
- An Additional Note on the Dura Papyri Welles, C. Bradford
- Two Papyri at Wellesley College Kaufman, Linda Fay
Issue 2
Issue 3
- Recent Dissertations
- Iudicia perierunt Schiller, A. Arthur
- Three Papyri of Hesiod West, M.L.
Issue 4
- The Society's Activities
- P.Hibeb 133: A Reconsideration Browne, Gerald M.
- Account (P.Hib. 135) Shelton, John
- Certificate for Five Day's Work (P.Brooklyn gr. 8) Shelton, John
- A Concordance to Literary Papyri: Basic Publications and Pack [2] Pack, Roger A.
VOLUME 4 (1967)
Issue 1
- The Society's Activities
- Five Giessen Papyri Schuman, Verne B.
- ΝΟΗΜΑΤΑ ΛΕΓΟΝΤΟΣ Lewis, Naphtali
- J. Modrzejewski, Mode Hellenistique: A Bibliography Schiller, A. Arthur
- A Receipt For Περγινόμενα Browne, Gerald M.
Issue 2
- ΝΟΗΜΑΤΑ ΛΕΓΟΝΤΟΣ Lewis, Naphtali
- A Byzantine Letter in the Yale Collection Samuel, Deborah Hobson
- Papyrus Bodmer IV: The Distinction of Hands and the Date Nelson, C.A.; Raymond, Joanne L.
- A Lease of Land from Oxyrhynchus Browne, Gerald M.
- R. Roca-Puig, Himne a la Verge Maria Samuel, Alan E.
- Notes
- The Society's Activities
Issue 3
- Observations on Menander: Dyscolus 95-102 Morris, Walton
- Request for Information Reinmuth, O.W.
- The Crown-Tax in Roman Egypt Bowman, Alan K.
Issue 4
- A Working List of the Prefects of Egypt: 30 B.C. - 299 A.D. Reinmuth, O.W.
VOLUME 5 (1968)
Issue 1
- The Society's Activities
- Some Princeton Papyri Reconsidered Tripoloitis, Antonia
- Withdrawal From Lease Browne, Gerald M.
- ΝΟΗΜΑΤΑ ΛΕΓΟΝΤΟΣ Lewis, Naphtali
- Some Notes on the Military Papyri From Dura Davies, R.W.
- Mummy Labels and Ghost-Names Bingen, Jean
- A Homer Fragment in The Library of Congress Donovan, Bruce E.
- Two Notes Rea, John
- Reviews and Comments Samuel, Alan E.
- A Correction Turner, E.G.
Issue 2-3
- The Society's Activities
- The Twelfth International Congress of Papyrology: Administration
- The Twelfth International Congress of Papyrology: Christian and Coptic Studies
- The Twelfth International Congress of Papyrology: Computer Uses in Papyrology
- The Twelfth International Congress of Papyrology: Economic and Social History
- The Twelfth International Congress of Papyrology: Law
- The Twelfth International Congress of Papyrology: Literary Papyri
- The Twelfth International Congress of Papyrology: Other Subjects
- The Twelfth International Congress of Papyrology: Texts and Collections
- The Twelfth International Congress of Papyrology: Addenda
- The Twelfth International Congress of Papyrology: Other Papers Read; Papers Read by Title
- ΝΟΗΜΑΤΑ ΛΕΓΟΝΤΟΣ Lewis, Naphtali
- P.Wisconsin 14 Gilliam, J.F.
- An Order For Nails Bagnall, Roger S.
- Corrigenda and Addenda to Previous Issues of the Bulletin
Issue 4
- Two Papyri in The Library of the McCormick Theological Seminary Swarney, Paul R.
- Optatus and The Roman Army: P.Lond. 2851. 1-22 Davies, R.W.
- A Fragment of Homer's Iliad Bowman, Alan K.
- Due Note Daris, Sergio
- Three Papyri From Oxyrhynchus Bagnall, Roger S.
VOLUME 6 (1969)
Issue 1
- The Society's Activities
- Two Land Leases from First Century Tebtunis Browne, Gerald M.
- Addenda to ICS Lewis, Naphtali
- A Fragment of a Severan Constitution Lewis, Naphtali
- ΝΟΗΜΑΤΑ ΛΕΓΟΝΤΟΣ Lewis, Naphtali
- Two Tebtunis Papyri from the Collection at Berkeley Shelton, John C.
Issue 2
- Aurelius Mercurius -- A "Ghost" Prefect? Bowman, Alan K.
- P.Hibeh 154: Export of Wine Long, Timothy
- New Readings Parsons, P.J.
- The Papyri of Xenophon's Hellenica Jackson, Donald F.
- Textual Observations on Stud. Pal. IV, pp. 62 ff. Shelton, John C.
- An Oxyrhynchus Papyrus Constantinides, Elizabeth
Issue 3-4
- [Obituary] C. Bradford Welles: August 9, 1901 - October 8, 1969
- L'Utilisation de l'Ordinateur en Papyrologie Tomsin, A.
- Notes on the Leiden Ostraca Bagnall, Roger S.; Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- Some Notes on P.Hib 198 Bagnall, Roger S.
- Ten Dike Certificates from Tebtunis Keeman, James G.; Shelton, John C.
VOLUME 7 (1970)
Issue 1
- The Society's Activities
- A Textual Note on P.Grenfell II 41 Shelton, John C.
- A Camel Sale from Oxyrhynchus Callender, John F.
- Critical Notes on Greek Papyrus and Ostracon Texts Shelton, John C.
- Reviews and Comments Samuel, A.E.
- A ΟΜΟΛΟΓΙΑ ΕΝΟΙΚΗΣΕΩΣ From First Century Bacchias (P.Mich. Inv. 100) Browne, Gerald M.
- Corrigenda in Stud. Pal. XXII Daris, Sergio
- [Obituary] Edwin J. Beinecke
- The Bulletin: Book Reviews
Issue 2-3
- Lease of Land Renner, Timothy T.
- A Petition to the Strategos West, Martin
- Astronomical Table Nelson, C.A.
- Two Papyri from the McCormick Theological Seminary Shumaker, John W.
- The Financial Prospects of Ptolemaic Oilmen Wickersham, John M.
- Sale of Part of a House Parássoglou, George M.
- A New Fragment of A Homeric Lexicon Shumaker, John W.
- Heraclides to Petepsais about an Order of Food Szegedy-Maszak, Andrew
- Homer, Iliad 9.320-333 Hennessey, Barry J.
- Two Loans from Tebtunis Keenan, James G.
Issue 4
- Property Records of L. Pompeius, L.F., Tribu Pollia, Niger Parássoglou, George M.
- Two Papyri from Vassar College Shumaker, John W.
- Monthly Report of Sitologi Szegedy-Maszak, Andrew; Renner, Timothy T.
- ΝΟΗΜΑΤΑ ΛΕΓΟΝΤΟΣ Lewis, Naphtali
- Instructions for Appointing a Guardian Lewis, Naphtali
VOLUME 8 (1971)
Issue 1
- The Society's Activities
- A Report of Accidental Dath Sparks, Irving Alan
- A Canceled Order on a Bank Parássoglou, George M.
- ΝΟΗΜΑΤΑ ΛΕΓΟΝΤΟΣ Lewis, Naphtali
- [Book Review] Jacques Schwartz, Papyri variae Alexandrinae Gissenses [...] Browne, Gerald M.
Issue 2-3
- Four New Homeric Papyri at Columbia Feinberg, Lawrence
- A Legionary Veteran and His Family Gilliam, J.F.
- Illiad XXIV.318-384 Parássoglou, George M.
- Two Declarations of Livestock from the Reign of Tiberius Parássoglou, George M.
- Abstracts of Papers Delivered at the Thirteenth International Congress of Papyrology, Marburg, August 2-6, 1971
- Books Received
Issue 4
- Vocabulary to Iliad 1.4-18 Philips, F.Carter, Jr.
- A Note on Two Thucydides Papyri (Pack 2 1529) Wouters, A.
- Notes on the Leiden Ostraca, II Bagnall, Roger S.; Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- [Book Review] Serge Sauneron, Le Papyrus Magique Illustré de Brooklyn [...] Sadek, M.
- [Book Review] Nicolas Hohlwein, Le Stratège du Nome [...] Oates, John F.
- [Book Review] Jakob Seibert, Untersuchungen Zur Geschichte Ptolemaios' I [...] Bloedow, Edmund F.
- [Book Review] Elinor M. Husselman, ed., Papyri from Karanis [...] Speidel, Michael P.
- [Book Review] Eric G. Turner, Greek Manuscripts of the Ancient World [...] Donovan, Bruce E.
- [Book Review] Günter Poethke, Epimerismos. Betrachtungen zur Zwangspacht in Aegypten während der Prinzipatszeit [...] Bowman, Alan K.
VOLUME 9 (1972)
Issue 1-2
- The Society's Activities
- News and Information
- A List of Debtors (P. Teb. 639) Keenan, James G.
- Flavius John, Scholasticus: A Note on PSI 963 Keenan, James G.
- Planetary Motion in P. Mich. 149 Neugebauer, O.
- ΝΟΗΜΑΤΑ ΛΕΓΟΝΤΟΣ Lewis, Naphtali
- Wililiva Rediscovered, or Fragment of a Deed of Donation Parássoglou, George M.
- [Book Review] Dorothy J. Crawford, Kerkeosiris. An Egyptian Village in the Ptolemaic Period. [...] Pleket, H.W.
Issue 3-4
- Vernasius Facundus, Prefect of Egypt Nelson, C.A.
- A Fragment of a Shorthand Commentary Feinberg, Lawrence
- ΝΟΗΜΑΤΑ ΛΕΓΟΝΤΟΣ Lewis, Naphtali
- An Archive in the Old Style Schuman, Verne B.
- Imprecations from Kourion Drew-Bear, Thomas
- [Book Review] Emil Kiessling, Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Aegypten, Band X [...] Browne, Gerald M.
VOLUME 10 (1973)
Issue 1-4
- Annual Report
- A Petition of Beekeepers at Oxyrhynchus Sullivan, R.D.
- A Private Letter of Diogenes Bayless, William N.
- Frammento Latino Daris, Sergio
- The Enlistment of Claudius Terentianus Davies, R.W.
- A List of the Villages in the Arsinoite Nome Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- Demosthenes Second Epistle Packman, Zola M.
- An Instance of the Military Grade Flavialis Keenan, James G.
- Homeric Fragments in the Washington University Collection Packman, Zola M.
- A Papyrus of Iliad III MacKay, T.W.
- Some Prosopographical Observations on the Laches Archive Bagnall, Whitney Scofield
- P.Walton 1 (inv. No. A-1688) Witt, P.M.
- Note on SB 9109 Willis, William H.
- P.Princeton 160 Hanson, Ann Ellis
- ICS: Revisions to the End of 1972 Lewis, Naphtali
- [Book Review] Seider, Richard Paläographie der Lateinischen Papyri. Band I [...] Bongie, Elizabeth Bryson
- [Book Review] Posner, Ernst Archives of the Ancient World [...] Evans, J.A.S.
- [Book Review] Alan K. Bowman, The Town Councils of Roman Egypt [...] Oates, John F.
- [Book Review] A.E. Samuel, W.K. Hastings, A.K. Bowman and R.S. Bagnall, Death and Taxes: Ostraka in the Royal Ontario Museum [...] Shelton, John C.
- [Book Review] Richard Holton Pierce, Three Demotic Papyri in the Brooklyn Museum: A Contribution to the Study of Contracts and their Instruments in Ptolemaic Egypt (Symbolae Osloenses Fasc. Supplet. XXIV) [...] Packman, Zola Marie
- Books Received
VOLUME 11 (1974)
Issue 1
- Checklist of Editions of Greek Papyri and Ostraca Oates, John F.; Bagnall, Roger S.; Willis, William H.
Issue 2-4
- Editorial Statement
- Two Private Letters from the Michigan Collection Browne, Gerald M.
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
- The Disappearance of the Dekaprotoi in Egypt Thomas, J. David
- [Book Review] Orsolina Montevecchi, La Papirologia [...] Bagnall, Roger S.; Bagnall, Whitney Scofield
- [Book Review] Basil G. Mandilaras, The Verb in the Greek Non-Literary Papyri [...] Keenan, James G.
VOLUME 12 (1975)
Issue 1
- Textual Notes on the Exegesis on the Soul Browne, Gerald M.
- Addenda and Corrigenda to Inventory of Compulsory Services (ICS) Lewis, Naphtali
- Two Receipts from the Yale Collection Packman, Zola M.
- Three Homeric Papyri from the Michigan Collection Shelmerdine, Cynthia W.
- The Income of the Office of the Πράκτορεϲ ’Αργνρικω˜ν of Karanis A.D. 172-173 Schuman, Verne B.
- [Book Review] Peter Klose, Die völkerrechtliche Ordnung der hellenistischen Staatenwelt in der Zeit von 280-168 v. Chr. [...] Bagnall, Roger S.
- Books Received
Issue 2
- A Fragment of a Coptic Psalter (P.Mich. inv. 582a) Browne, Gerald M.
- A Fragment of Euripides' Phoenissae Feinberg, Lawrence
- New Readings in P.Princeton 114, A Treatise on Tumors Jordan, D.R.
- Two Official Documents from the Berlin Collection Nelson, C.A.
- New Documents on the Imperial Estates in Egypt Parássoglou, George M.
- Two Papyri from the Michigan Collection Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- The Society's Activities, 1974: Minutes of the Annual Meeting, 29 December 1974
Issue 3
- Notes on the Gospel of the Egyptians Browne, Gerald M.
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
- Ptolemais Euergetis and the City of the Arsinoites Oates, John F.
- C.P. Jud. II 193 and PSI XII 1225 Whitehorne, J.E.G.
- [Book Review] G.M. Browne, J.D. THomas, E.G. Turner, Marcia Weinstein, et. al. (ed.), The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Vol. XXXVIII [...] Lidov, Joel B.
- [Book Review] Eric G. Turner, The Papyrologist at Work [...] Samuel, Deborah H.
- [Book Review] John E. Stambaugh, Serapis under the Early Ptolemies [...] Vanderlip, Vera F.
Issue 4
- The Roman Garrison of Latopolis Bagnall, Roger S.
- The Vienna Papyrus of Kingdoms IV Browne, Gerald M.
- A Unique Christian Epitaph from the Upper Tembris Valley Gibson, Elsa Peterson
- A Petition of A.D. 212 Lewis, Naphtali
- Announcements
VOLUME 13 (1976)
Issue 1
- Notes on Coptic Literary Papyri Browne, Gerald M.
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
- A Coptic Letter in the University Museum, Philadelphia MacCoull, Leslie S.B.
- An Official Letter to an Agoranomus: P.Oxy. I 170 Raschke, M. G.
- Two Papyri from the Vienna Collection Worp, K.A.
Issue 2
- The Gospel of Mark in Fayumic Coptic Browne, Gerald M.
- A Sale of Land from the Michigan Collection Gignac, Francis T.
- Canaliclarius and Kananiklarios (P.Oxy. XL 2925) Gilliam, J.F.
- A Note on P.Oxy. I 32 (=Ch.L.A. IV 267) Gilliam, J.F.
- Three Ostraca from Latopolis Gilliam, J.F.
- Notes on the Theban Tax Roll Shelton, John
- Two Papyri from the Michigan Collection Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- Three Notes on P.Oxy. XXVII 2455 (Euripidean Hypotheses) Sutton, Dana Ferrin
- Notes on Subscriptions Youtie, Louise C.
- [Book Review] Gerald M. Browne, The Papyri of the Sortes Astrampsychi (Beiträge zur klassischen Philologie, Heft 58) [...] Coles, Revel
Issue 3
- A Coptic Letter from the Michigan Collection Browne, Gerald M.
- A Document from the Reign of Caracalla in the Michigan Collection Gignac, Francis T.
- A Checklist of Coptic Documents and Letters Schiller, A. Arthur
- P.Oxy. XXXV 2737: New Light on the Production of Old Comedy Sutton, Dana Ferrin
- A Note on Zenon's Letter Filing White, John L.
- [Book Review] R. A. Coles, A New Oxyrhynchus Papyrus: The Hypothesis of Euripedes' Alexandros [...] Edinger, H.G.
- [Book Review] N. Lewis, Papyrus in Classical Antiquity [...] Oates, John F.
- [Book Review] H. C. Youtie, Scriptiunculae II [...] Weinstein, Marcia E.
- The Society's Activities, 1975: Minutes of the Annual Meeting, 29 December 1975
Issue 4
- Some Techniques in the Placement of Papyrus Fragments Hedrick, Charles W.
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
- Three Magical Texts from the Washington University Collection Packman, Zola M.
- Some Remarks on the Epicrisis of οἱ ἀπὸ γνμναϲίον in Oxyrhynchus Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- Announcement
VOLUME 14 (1977)
Issue 1
- P.Sorb. inv. 2358 and the New Statistics on Death Certificates Brashear, William
- The Early Sahidic Version of Joshua Browne, Gerald M.
- A Reconstruction of P.Yale inv. 1569 Rea, J.R.
- P.Bodm. XXVIII: Some First Impressions Sutton, Dana Ferrin
- The Functions of the Alexandrian Ephebeia Certificate and the Sequence of PSI XII 1223-1225 Whitehorne, J.E.G.
- O.Bodl. II 2182 and 2185 Youtie, Louise C.
- [Book Review] T.C. Skeat, Greek Papyri in the British Museum (now in the British Library), volume VII: The Zenon Archive [...] Hanson, Ann Ellis
- [Book Review] Hugh J. Mason, Greek Terms for Roman Institutions. A Lexicon and Analysis [...] Marcillet-Jaubert, J.
- Announcement
Issue 2
- P.Lond. inv. 2506: A Reconsideration Bowman, Alan K.; Thomas, J. David
- Editorial Notes on the "Expository Treatise Concerning the Soul" (Tractate II 6 from Nag Hammadi) Layton, Bentley
- The Copy of the Apokrimata Subscripts Schiller, A. Arthur
- New Fragments of P.Mich. 223 Shelton, John
- P.Vindob.Boswinkel 8+9 Worp, K.A.
- [Book Review] Emil Kiessling and Hans-Albert Rupprecht, Akten des XIII. Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses, Marburg/Lahn, 2.-6. August 1971 [...] Philips, F. Carter
- [Book Review] Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of Papyrologists, Oxford, 24-31 July 1974 [...] Speidel, Michael P.
Issue 3
- Two Homeric Papyri from the University of Michigan Collection Elliott, Danial C.
- Unique Photographic Evidence for Nag Hammadi Texts: CG II 2-7, III 5 and XIII 2★ Emmel, Stephen
- New Editions of Two Vienna Papyri Samuel, Deborah H.
- P.Hafn. inv. 24 (Verso) Again Sijpesteijn, P.J. ; Worp, K.A.
Issue 4
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
- Taxation at Socnopaiou Nesos in the Early Third Century Samuel, Deborah H.
VOLUME 15 (1978)
Issue 1-2: Studies Presented to Naphtali Lewis
- [Photo of Naphtali Lewis]
- [Dedication] Naphtali Lewis
- Naphtali Lewis: Bibliography Keen, Ralph
- Property-Holdings of Liturgists in Fourth-Century Karanis Bagnall, Roger S.
- Socrates' Defense and his Audience Bonfante, Larissa; Raditsa, Leo
- The Military Occupation of Upper Egypt in the Reign of Diocletian Bowman, Alan K.
- Deinokrates and Alexandria Brown, Blanche R.
- Unemployment: the Building Trade, and Suetonius, Vesp. 18 Casson, Lionel
- The Dura Latin Papyri Revisited Gilliam, J.F.
- New Directions Gordon, Cyrus H.
- New Light on Skopas Lehmann, Phyllis Williams
- Humanism and Nonhumanism in Greek Tragedy and Culture Lieberman, Samuel
- Aristarchus of Samos and Copernicus Rosen, Edward
- Reçu de Loyer Délivré à un Nauclère pour la Location d’un Bateau (P. Sorb.inv. 2395) Scherer, Jean
- THe King's Son in the Wȃdi Naṭrūn Schulman, Alan R.
- A Sixth "Narratio" Document Sijpesteijn, P.J.; Worp, K.A.
- Lydus, De Magistratibus 1.27 and the Quaestors of 267 B.C. Smith, Morton
- Minoan Mathematics or Music? Stieglitz, Robert R.
- Epigraphai and Indications in the Reign of Diocletian Thomas, J. David
- Epigraphica Numismatica: Monumental Nymphaea on Ancient Coins Trell, Bluma L.
- Writing Material for Bussinessmen Turner, E.G.
- Archilochus, the Hasty Emendation (P.Colon. inv. 7511.27) Van Sickle, John
- A New Source for the History of the Six-Witness Syngraphe Wolff, Hans Julius
- ΚΑΤΑΧΩΡΕΩ and ΚΑΤΑΧΩΡΙΖΩ: A Semantic Muddle Youtie, Herbert C.
Issue 3
- The Original Text of Gos. Thom., Saying 30 Attridge, Harold W.
- The Date of the Hermopolite Land Registers: A Review Article Bagnall, Roger S.
- Notes on Coptic Texts Browne, Gerald M.
- The Consuls of A.D. 411-412 Cameron, Alan
- Unique Photographic Evidence for Nag Hammadi Texts: CG V-VIII Emmel, Stephen
- Two Papyri from the MIchigan Collection Gignac, Francis T.
- Lydus, De Magistratibus 1.27: A Reply Harris, William V.
- P.Oxy. VI 846 (Amos 2, Old Greek) Reconsidered Kraft, Robert A.
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
- A Chronological Problem in the Reign of Cleopatra VII Ricketts, Linda M.
- P.Mich. III 213: A Note Sijpesteijn, P.J.
Issue 4
- Chronological Notes on Byzantine Documents, I Bagnall, Roger S.; Worp, K.A.
- Notes on Quattro Omelie Copte Browne, Gerald M.
- Unique Photographic Evidence for Nag Hammadi Texts: CG I 1-5 Emmel, Stephen
- The Economy of Oxyrhynchus in the First Century Morris, Royce L.B.
- Some Satyric Fragments from Oxyrhynchus Sutton, Dana Ferrin
- A Note on P.Fay. 133 White, John L.
- [Book Review] Roger S. Bagnall, The FLorida Ostraka: Documents from the ROman Army in Upper Epypt [...] Keenan, James G.
- [Book Review] Gerald M. Browne, Michigan Papyri (P. Mich. XII) [...] Shelton, John
- Announcement
VOLUME 16 (1979)
Issue 1-2: Studies Presnted to Orsamus M. Pearl
- [Frontmatter]
- Orsamus M. Pearl: Bibliography
- Ostraka from the Yale Collection Bagnall, Roger S.
- La terre "arrosée par le Nil": Neilobrochos Bonneau, Danielle
- Before the Penthemeros: Government Funds for the Canals Brashear, William
- Illinois Coptic Texts, I Browne, Gerald M.
- Notes on the Guilds and Army in Roman Egypt Daniel, Robert W.
- Marci Aurelli in Ägypten Nach der Constitutio Antoniniana Hagedorn, Dieter
- Das Formular der Überstellungsbefehle im Römischen Ägypten Hagedorn, Ursula
- P. Mich. inv. 1933: Accounts of a Textile Establishment Hanson, Ann E.
- "Thou Shalt Not Kill a Tree": Greek, Manichean and Indian Tales Heinrichs, Albert
- Notes on Papyri Koenen, Ludwig
- Αϕηˆλιξ before and after the Constitutio Antoniniana Lewis, Naphtali
- Artemidoriana Qualiacumque Pack, Roger A.
- The "Rate" of the Prosdiagraphomena Schuman, Verne B.
- Six Dyke Certificates Sijpersteijn, P.J. ; Worp, K.A.
- Three Robinson Papyri Willis, William H.; Oates, John F.
- P.Mich inv. 439: Complaint about a Sitologos Youtie, Herbert C.
- P. Grenf. I 52 Youtie, Louise C.
Issue 3
- The Original Text of Gos. Thom., Saying 30 Attridge, Harold W.
- The Date of the Hermopolite Land Registers: A Review Article Bagnall, Roger S.
- Notes on Coptic Texts Browne, Gerald M.
- The Consuls of A.D. 411-412 Cameron, Alan
- Unique Photographic Evidence for Nag Hammadi Texts: CG V-VIII Emmel, Stephen
- Two Papyri from the MIchigan Collection Gignac, Francis T.
- Lydus, De Magistratibus 1.27: A Reply Harris, William V.
- P.Oxy. VI 846 (Amos 2, Old Greek) Reconsidered Kraft, Robert A.
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
- A Chronological Problem in the Reign of Cleopatra VII Ricketts, Linda M.
- P.Mich. III 213: A Note Sijpesteijn, P.J.
Issue 4
- Chronological Notes on Byzantine Documents, II Bagnall, Roger S.; Worp, K.A.
- Chronological Notes on Byzantine Documents, III Bagnall, Roger S.; Worp, K.A.
- Notes on Old Nubian Browne, Gerald M.
- Illinois Coptic Texts, II Browne, Gerald M.
- Unique Photographic Evidence for Nag Hammadi Texts: CG IX-XIII 1* Emmel, Stephen
- A Scribe at Work Sijpesteijn, P.J.
VOLUME 17 (1980)
Issue 1-2
- [Photo of Herbert Chayyim Youtie]
- Obituary: Herbert Chayyim Youtie, 28 August 1904 - 13 February 1980 [Browne], [Gerald M.]
- Chronological Notes on Byzantine Documents, IV Bagnall, Roger S.; Worp, K.A.
- Chronological Notes on Byzantine Documents, V Bagnall, Roger S.; Worp, K.A.
- Chronological Notes on Byzantine Documents, VI Bagnall, Roger S.; Worp, K.A.
- Notes on Old Nubian Browne, Gerald M.
- Riedizione di SPP XXII 117: Ricevute per versamenti di syntaximon e merismoi Gallazzi, Claudio
- A Fragment of Nag Hammadi Codex III in the Beinecke Library: Yale Inv. 1784 Emmel, Stephen
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
- The Edited Text of P.Bodmer XXIV Pietersma, Albert
- Interim Report of the American Center of the International Photographic Archive of Papayri (1979) Wall, E.W.
- Textual Restorations in "On the Origins of the World" (CG II,5) Wisse, Frederik
Issue 3-4
- Theadelphian Archives: A Review Article Bagnall, Roger S.
- Chronological Notes on Byzantine Documents (VII) Bagnall, Roger S.; Worp, K.A.
- Notes Sur Quelques Étiquettes de Momies Boyaval, B.
- Notes on Old Nubian Browne, Gerald M.
- Unique Photographic Evidence for Nag Hammadi Texts: Corrections Emmel, Stephen
- Aurelius Phoibammon, Son of Triadelphus: A Byzantine Egyptian Land Entrepeneur Keenan, James G.
- The Oxyrhynchus Papyrus of Philo Royse, James R.
- Shenoute Quotations in an Unpublished British Library MS Shisha-Halevy, Ariel
VOLUME 18 (1981)
Issue 1-2
- P.Grenf. I 52: Note Farmacologiche Andorlini, Isabella
- Greek Equivalents of Two Coptic Phrases: CG I, 1.65, 9-10 and CG II,2.43.26 Attridge, Harold W.
- Chronological Notes on Byzantine Documents VIII Bagnall, Roger S. ; Worp, K.A.
- Notes on Old Nubian Browne, Gerald M.
- The Consuls of A.D. 411-412 Again Cameron, Alan
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
- Frammento Astrologico (PL II/27) Pintaudi, Rosario
- Commentary to PLII/27 Pingree, David
- [Book Review] P.W. Pestman et al.,Greek and Demotic Texts from the Zenon Archive (P.L. Bat. 20). [...] Bagnall, Roger S.
- [Book Review] Elsa Gibson, The "Christians for Christians" Inscriptions of Phrygia [...] Rigsby, Kent J.
Issue 3-4
- Una Ricetta del Medico Cassio Andorlini, Isabella
- La Date sur les Etiquettes de Momies Boyaval, B.
- The Prefect's Conventus: Proceedings and Procedures Lewis, Naphtali
- A Ptolemaic Letter at the University of Minnesota Nichipor, Walter; Ricketts, Linda
- Fragment of a Will Priest, Nancy E.
- A Note on Tebtunis Papyrus Skeat, T.C.
- Apokrimata, Decreta, and the Roman Legal Procedure Turpin, William
- Interim Report of the American Center of the International Photographic Archive of Papyri (1980) Wall, E.W.
- The Date of Succession in the Strategia Whitehorne, J.E.G.
- ΦΕΝΤΥΜΙΣ: A False Place-Name Youtie, Louise C.
- [Book Review] Rosario Pintaudi, I papiri Vaticani di Aphrodito. [...] Bagnall, Roger S.
- [Book Review] Roger S. Bagnall and K. A. Worp, The Chronological Systems of Byzantine Egypt [...] Carrié, Jean-Michel
VOLUME 19 (1982)
Issue 1-2
- Anthologia Palatina 9.538, The Alphabet and the Calligraphic Examination in the Coptic Scriptorium Bellet, Paulinus
- The Old Nubian Verbal System Browne, Gerald M.
- P.Mil Vogl inv. 1224: Novum Testamentum, Act. 2,30-37 E 2,46-3,2 Gallazzi, Claudio
- P.Mich. inv. 1434: Receipts for Syntaximon and Beer Tax Hanson, Ann Ellis
- Coptic Documents from the Michigan Collection Husselman, E.M.
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
- The Long and Short of Callimachus Aetia Fr. 1.9-12 McNamee, Kathleen
- Geographical Notes Youtie, Louise C.
Issue 3-4
- A Coptic Magical Text Alcock, Anthony
- Religious Conversion and Onomastic Change in Early Byzantine Egypt Bagnall, Roger S.
- Note Sur Trois Etiquettes de Momies Boyaval, B.
- Registration of a Deed of Sale Damen, Mark L.; Priest, Nancy E.
- Soldiers Permitted to Own Provincial Land Lewis, Naphtali
- Marriage Agreement, with Property Division to Take Effect After Death McNamee, Kathleen
- Dike Work in the Oxyrhynchite Nome Peachin, Michael
- Thracian Horsemen in Egypt's Ala Veterana Gallica (P.Lond. 482) Speidel, Michael P.
- The Ephebate and the Gymnastial Class in Roman Egypt Whitehorne, J.E.G.
- [Book Review] W. Clarysse, Prosopographia Ptolemaica[...] Bagnall, Roger S.
- [Book Review] M. Chambers, W.E.H. Cockle, J.C. Shelton, E.G. Turner, The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Volume XLVIII. Graeco-Roman Memoirs, no.67 [...] Keenan, James G.
VOLUME 20 (1983)
Issue 1-2
- Five Papyri on Fourth Century Money and Prices Bagnall, Roger S.; Worp, K.A.
- SB VI, 9126 Boyaval, B.
- Griffith's Miracle of St. Menas Browne, Gerald M.
- Agreement Concerning Succession to a Komarchy Delia, Diana; Haley, Evan
- Drei Ostraka aus der Sammlung Moen Harrauer, H.; Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
- The Recently Rediscovered Papyrus Leaves of Didymos the Blind MacKay, Thomas W.; Griggs, C. Wilfred
- Sammelbuch Griechischer Urkunden aus Aegypten Rupprecht, Hans-Albert
- An Alternative Context for the Brooklyn Pridianum Whitehorne, J.E.G.
- [Book Review] Zbigniew Borkowski, Alexandrie II: Inscriptions des factions à Alexandrie [...] Cameron, Alan; Bagnall, Roger S.
- [Book Review] Alfons Wouters, THe Grammatical Papyri from Graeco-Roman Egypt. Contributions to the Study of the 'Ars grammatica' in Antiquity. [...] Weems, Sarah
Issue 3-4
- Griffith's "Nicene Canons" Browne, Gerald M.
- Commentary on Odyssey 21 Haslam, M. W.; Montanari, Franco
- ει ou ι pour /I/ ou /J/ dans les dialectes coptes Kasser, R.
- Victor, Son of Psaios, and Three Aphrodito Rent Receipts Keenan, James G.
- Breve Note sullo ἰατρικόν Lippi, Donatella
- Three Coptic Papyri in the Duke University Collection MacCoull, L.S.B.
- Two Coptic Fragments in the Freer Collection MacCoull, Leslie S.B.
- Some New Thoughts About the Supposed Fragment of Philistus (PSI 1283) Pearson, Lionel
- Neuedition von SPP XXII 39 Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- SPP XX 49 Rekto + 62 Rekto Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- The "Arginusae" Theme in Greek Rhetorical Theory and Practice Stephens, S.A.
- [Book Review] J. R. Rea, The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Volume LI. Graeco-Roman Memoirs, no. 71 [...] Keenan, James G.
- [Book Review] Symposium 1977. [...] Górecka, Danuta
VOLUME 21 (1984)
- Bibliography: J. Frank Gilliam
- The Origins of Ptolemaic Cleruchs Bagnall, Roger S.
- The Miracle of Memnon Bowersock, G.W.
- Two Notes Bowman, Alan K.
- Egypt, Africa, Arabia, and India: Patterns of Seaborne Trade in the First Century A.D. Casson, Lionel
- Notes on Multiple Municipal Magistracies in Julio-Claudian Italy D'Arms, John H.
- Zum konsularen Status von Iudaea im frühen 2. Jh. Eck, Werner
- Zur Personenkunde des griechisch-römischen Altertums Habicht, Christian
- The Archive of Isidoros of Psophthis and P. Ostorius Scapula, Praefectus Aegypti Hanson, Ann Ellis
- Agricultural Land and Economic Life in Soknopaiou Nesos Hobson, Deborah
- Gallus as Triptolemos on the Tazza Farmese Thompson, Dorothy B. ; Koenen, Ludwig
- SB XIV 11614: More than Meets the Eye Lewis, Naphtali
- Notes on Romanization MacMullen, Ramsay
- Five Athenian Inscriptions of the Emperor L. Septimius Severus Oikonomides, Al.N.
- The Money Economy and the Ptolemaic Peasantry Samuel, Alan E.
- Vestiges Alexandrins dans quelques Acta Martyrum Schwartz, [Jacques]
- Der Veteran Aelius Syrion Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- Palmyrenian Irregulars at Koptos Speidel, M.P.
- Sabinianus, praeses of Aegyptus Mercuriana? Thomas, J. David
VOLUME 22 (1985)
Classical Studies Presented to William Hailey Willis on the Occasion of his Retirement from Duke University
- [Dedication - William Hailey Willis]
- William H. Willis: Bibliography
- The Camel, the Wagon, and the Donkey in Later Roman Egypt Bagnall, Roger S.
- L'esclavage dans l'Egypte greco-romaine: Quelques observations en marge de publications recentes Bieżuńska-Małowist, Iza
- Documents de L'Egypte romaine Bingen, Jean
- Caecilius [Cons]ultius, Praefectus Aegypti Coles, Revel
- Unidentified Prose: P.Vars. 4 Daniel, Robert W.
- The Cult of the Hero Doctor Dow, Sterling
- The Transformation of the Second Aorist in Koine Greek Gignac, Francis T.
- Zur Katenenüberlieferung des Hiobkommentars von Didymos dem Blinden Hagedorn, Ursula ; Hagedorn, Dieter
- The Scene in Iliad 18.497-508 and the Albanian Blood-feud Hammond, N.G.L.
- Private Letter Hanson, Ann Ellis
- P.Wash. Univ. inv. 217: Commentary on Iliad 9 Haslam, [Michael] W.
- The Village of Heraklia in the Arsinoite Nome Hobson, Deborah
- Sogdian Tanais in Aristobulus Huxley, George
- The Date of the Construction of Solon's Axones Immerwahr, Henry R.
- Notes on Absentee Landlordism at Aphrodito Keenan, James G.
- The Dream of Nektanebos Koenen, Ludwig
- Aeschylus Choephori 32-41 Lloyd-Jones, Hugh
- Coptic Documentary Papyri from Aphrodito in the Chester Beatty Library MacCoull, Leslie S.B.
- Abbreviations in Greek Literary Papyri and Ostraca: Supplement, with List of Ghost Abbreviations McNamee, Kathleen
- Logion 97 des Thomasevangeliums Merkelbach, Reinhold
- BGU IV 1139: Paramone e Trophitis Montevecchi, Orsolina
- An Official Report Morris, Royce L.B.; Oates, John F.
- Notes on the Propositiones Ascribed to Alcuin Pack, Roger A.
- Apprentice Contract Pearl, Orsamus
- Tissaphernes' Extra Money Pearson, Lionel
- The Competence of Greek and Egyptian Tribunals According to the Decree of 118 B.C. Pestman, P.W.
- The Bryn Mawr Papyri (Part I) Renner, Timothy
- On the High Priest of Egypt Rigsby, Kent J.
- Zum Ehegattenerbrecht nach den Papyri Rupprecht, Hans-Albert
- How Many Gnostics? Samuel, Alan E.
- Three Papyri from the University of Michigan Papyrus Collection Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- A Eulogy for Christian Martyrs? Stephens, [Susan] A.
- P.Lond.III 959 Descr.: A Receipt for Wine for the Annona Militaris Thomas, J. David
- Chronological Observations on Later Byzantine Documents Worp, [Klaas] A.
- P.Haun III 47, Supplemented Youtie, [Louise] C.
VOLUME 23 (1986)
Issue 1-2
- Papyri and Ostraka from Quseir al-Qadim Bagnall, Roger S.
- [Plates]
- Carrying Dung in Ancient Egypt: A Contract to Perform Work for a Vineyard Delia, Diana
- [Book Review] Alessandro Biondi, Gli accenti nei papiri greci biblici [...] McNamee, Kathleen
- Papyri and Ostraka from Quseir al-Qadim Bagnall, Roger S.
- [Plates]
Issue 3-4
- Editing Coptic Texts Alcock, Anthony
- P.Vindob G 40822 and the Shipping of Goods From India Casson, Lionel
- The Patermouthis Archive: A Third Look Farber, J. Joel; Porten, Bezalel
- The Inhabitants of Heraklia Hobson, Deborah
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
- A Petition for New Looms Piejko, Francis
- New Fragments of Genesis in Sahidic Pietersma, A.; Comstock, S.T.
- Loan Through a Bank Sheridan, Jennifer A.
- [Book Review] S. Kambitsis, Le Papyris Thmouis 1: colonnes 68-160. [...] Hanson, Ann Ellis
- [Book Review] The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Volume L. Graeco-Roman Memoirs, no. 70 [...] Parca, Maryline
VOLUME 24 (1987)
Issue 1-2
- Tacitus, Roman Wills and Political Freedom Keenan, James
- Confidential Business: P.Col. inv. 316 Long, Jacqueline
- A Private Letter: P.Col. inv. 415 Jones, Lawrence
- Une description des os du tarse: P.Lit.Lond 167 Marganne, Marie-Hélène
- P.Princeton AM11224D = Iliad XXI.464-468 Kraut, Bruce H.
- New Greek Fragments of Biblical Manuscripts in the Chester Beatty Library Pietersma, A.
- A Further Redating of P.Stras. 397 MacCoull, L.S.B.
- The Documentary Portions of Morgan M636 MacCoull, L.S.B.
- Griffiths Old Nubian Lectionary: The Revision Revised Browne, Gerald M.
- [Book Review] Corpus Papyrorum Raineri archducis Austriae, Band X, Griechische Texte VII, edited by Monika Hasitzka, Michaela Müller, Brigiite Rom, Wolfgang Hameter, Bernhard Palme, Hans Taeuber, Johann Diethart, Hermann Harrauer, Klaas A. Worp [...]Keenan, James G.
Issue 3-4
- Fragment of a Letter from the Reign of Augustus Hanson, Ann Ellis
- Revised Bid for the Lease of Confiscated Property Sheridan, Jennifer A.
- A Note on P.Oslo II 39 Warga, Richard G., Jr.
- P.Princeton III 140 Re-edited Worp, K.A.
- Transfer of Tax-Money from the Village of Theadelphia to the Village of Apias: P.Col. inv. 192 Aubert, J.-J.
- A.D. 297 as the Beginning of the First Indiction Cycle Depuydt, Leo
- A Female Βονλεντής Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- Coptic Martyrdoms in the Chester Beatty Library Pietersma, [Albert]; Comstock, S.T.
- [Book Review] M.L. Haslam, The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Volume LIII. Graeco-Roman Memoirs, No. 71 [...] Schibli, H.S.
- [Book Review] J.M. Diethart-K.A. Worp, Notarunterschriften im byzantinischen Ägypten [...] Fantoni, Georgina
- [Book Review] Leone, Aurora, Gli Animali da trasporto nell-Egitto greco, romano e bizantino. [...] Oates, John F.
VOLUME 25 (1988)
- Homeric Influence in Stesichorus' Nostoi Reece, Steve
- Αλκαῖος ό τῶν έπῶν ποιητής Haslam, Michael
- Sitometria in the Zenon Archive: Identifying Zenon's Personal Documents Franko, George Fredric
- Oxyrhynchite Documents Among the Robinson Papyri Willis, William H.
- Sale of a Donkey Oates, John F.
- Masculine and Feminine: Use of the Adjectives in the Documentary Papyri Packman, Zola Marie
- A Christian Amulet on Wood Warga, Richard G., [Jr.]
- P.Cair.Masp. II 67135 Keenan, James G.
- [Book Review] The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Volume LV, edited with translations and notes by J.R. Rea. Graeco-Roman Memoirs, No. 75 [...] Katzoff, Ranon
- [Book Review] Corpus Papyrorum Raineri Archeduis Austriae, Bd. XIV [...], edited by Georgina Fantoni [...] Keenan, James G.
- [Book Review] Leslie S.B. MacCoull, Dioscorus of Aphrodito, His Work and His World. [...] Keenan, James G.
- [Book Review] Text and Textwert der griechischen Handschriften des Neuen Testaments: I. Die Katholischen Briefe. Band 1: Das Material; Band 2: Die Auswertung; Band 3: Die Einzelhandscriften, ed. Kurt Aland in association with Annette Benduhn-Mertz and Gerd Mink [...] Tobin, Thomas J.
- [Book Review] Emanuela Battaglia, 'Artos.' Il Lessico della panificazione nei papiri greci [...] Farber, J. Joel
Volume 26 (1989)
Issue 1-2
- Index of The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists, [Volumes 1-25] (1963-1989): Index of Authors Damon, C.E.; McNamee, K.
- Index of The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists, Volumes 1-25 (1963-1989): List of Ostraca, Papyri and Inscriptions Discussed Damon, C.E.; McNamee, K.
- Western Thebes in the Seventh and Eighth Centuries: A Bibliographic Survey of Jême and Its Surroundings Wilfong, T.C.
Issue 3-4: Comparative Approaches to the Social History of Roman Egypt
- Comparative Approaches to the Social History of Roman Egypt Kehoe, Dennis P.
- Naming Practices is Roman Egypt Hobson, Deborah [W.]
- Pastoralism in Roman Egypt Keenan, James G.
- Official and Private Violence in Roman Egypt Bagnall, Roger S.
- A New Papyrology? Frier, Bruce W.
Volume 27 (1990)
Studies in Late Antiquity
- Notes on Egyptian Census Declarations, I Bagnall, Roger S.
- Documentary Evidence for Graeco-Egyptian Shipbuilding (P.Flor. I 69) Casson, Lionel
- A Personal Letter (P.Col. inv. 250) Cribiore, Raffaella
- Gregorian Chant Haslam, Michael W.
- A New Papyrus of the Mythographus Homericus Haslam, Michael W.
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
- P.Oxy XVII 2100 fr.15 Luginbill, Robert D.
- Is άμβιτενˊειν Really έμβατενˊειν (P.Oxy. XVII 2110.15)? Porter, Stanley E.
- A Dual Queenship in the Reign of Berenice IV Ricketts, Linda M.
- Two Documents from Tebtunis Warga, Richard G.
- [Book Review] The Documents from the Bar Kokhba Period in the Cave of the Letters. Greek Papyri edited by Naphtali Lewis, Aramaic and Nabatean signatures and subscriptions edited by Yigael Yadin and Jonas C. Greenfield [...] Keenan, James G.
- Editorial Preface
- Five Problematic Fourth-Century Pieces Bagnall, Roger S.
- An Acknowledgement of a Loan of Wheat Nielsen, Bruce E.
- Dioskoros of Aphrodito and Romanos the Melodist Kuehn, Clement A.
- Additional Remarks on P.Princ. III 140 Worp, [Klaas] A.
- Family Financial Disputes in the Patermouthis Archive Farber, J. Joel
- Houses in Syene in the Patermouthis Archive Husson, [Geneviève]
- Evidence for the Byzantine Army in the Syene Papyri Keenan, James G.
- Christianity at Syene/Elephantine/Philae MacCoull, [Leslie] S.B.
- A Fragment of a Monastic Duty Roster? Montserrat, Dominic
- The Archive of a Family of Moneylenders from Jème Wilfong, [Terry] G.
- [Book Review] Bulletin de la Société d'Archéologie Copte [...] Wilfong, [Terry] G.
Volume 28 (1991)
Issue 1-2
- A Trick a Day to Keep the Tax Man at Bay? The Prostitute Tax in Roman Egypt Bagnall, Roger S.
- Notes on Egyptian Census Declarations, II Bagnall, Roger S.
- New Readings in an Early Iliad Manuscript Haslam, Michael W.
- The World of P.Yadin Lewis, Naphtali
- Announcements
- Mallocouria and Therapeuteria: Rituals of Transition in a Mixed Society? Montserrat, Dominic
- Bilingual Literacy and Syrian Greek Obbink, Dirk
- Two London Papyri Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- P.Duke inv. G9: Some Corrections Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- The "Proper Name" Καπαρ(ε)ῖς Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- A Dike Certificate from Tebtunis Thompson, Glen L.
- Two Notes on Byzantine Papyri Worp, Klaas A.
- [Book Review] Konkordanz und Supplement zu Berichtigungsliste Band I-VII, ed. W. Clarysse, R.W. Daniel, F.A.J. Hoogendijk, and P. van Minnen [...] Hobson, Deborah W.
- [Book Review] Filodemo, L'ira. Edizione, traduzione e commento a cura di Giovanni Indelli [...] Obbink, Dirk
- [Book Review] M.G. Sirivianou et al., The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Volume LVI. Graeco-Roman Memoirs, No. 76 [...] Schibli, H.S.
- [Plates]
Issue 3-4
- The Appointment of Temple Personnel in the Second Century A.D.:P.Col. inv. 438 Aubert, Jean-Jacques
- Notes on Egyptian Census Declarations, III Bagnall, Roger S.
- From Logos to Myth: Egyptian Petitions of the 5th-7th Centuries Kovelman, Arkady B.
- Application to Lease Katoikic Land Lapin, Hayim
- In the World of P.Panop.Beatty Lewis, Naphtali
- Apollophanes son of Exakon in P.Köln V 223 Nielsen, Bruce E.
- [Book Review] Veröffentlichungen aus der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung [...], by Andrea Jördens [...] Fantoni, Georgina
- [Book Review] Johannes Herrmann, Kleine Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte [...] Fikhman, I.F.
- [Book Review] The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Volume LVII, edited with translations and notes by M.W. Haslam, H. El-Magrabi, and J.D. Thomas. Graeco-Roman Memoirs, No. 77 [...] McNamee, Kathleen
- [Plate]
Volume 29 (1992)
Issue 1-2
- The Relations of Ptolemies VIII and IX with the Temple of Chnum at Elephantine Piejko, Francis
- A Declaration of Uninundated Land Delia, Diana
- New Texts From the Tebtunis Grapheion Archive Jenkins, Fred W.
- The Westminster College Papyri Packman, Zola Marie
- A Sahidic Lectionary of the New Testament and Psalms Pietersma, A. ; Comstock, S.T.
- Coptic Texts In The Chester Beatty: Pshoi and Cephalon Pietersma, A.; Comstock, S.T.
- A Coptic Letter Warga, Richard G.
- A List of Monastic Garments from Oxyrhynchus Montserrat, Dominic
- Greek and Coptic Texts from the Oriental Institute Museum Exhibition "Another Egypt" Wilfong, T.G.
- [Plates]
- The Relations of Ptolemies VIII and IX with the Temple of Chnum at Elephantine Piejko, Francis
Issue 3-4
- Notes on Egyptian Census Declarations, IV Bagnall, Roger S.
- [Obituary] John C. Shelton [Keenen], [J.G.]
- Greek Ostraka from Mons Porphyrites (Gebel 'Abu Dukhan) Sheridan, Jennifer A.; Roth, Jonathan
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
- Protest Against Appointment to a Liturgy Lewis, Naphtali
- The Proper Name *Πεπορᾶς Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- Three Oxyrhynchus Papyri at Union Theological Seminary, New York Nielsen, Bruce E.
- A Closer Look at O.Mich. I 126 van Minnen, Peter
- Re-evaluating a "Dowry" in a Michigan "Marriage" Loan van Minnen, Peter
- A Constantinople Loan, A.D. 541 Keenan, James G.
- [Book Review] Corpus der ptolemäischen Sklaventexte: 3 Teile, hrsg. von R. Scholl [...] Hengstl, Joachim
- [Book Review] The Petrie Papyri, Second Edition, Volume I, edited by W. Clarysse [...] Oates, John F.
- [Book Review] Corpus Papyronum Raineri Band XVIIA, Griechische Texte XII A, Die Archive der Aurelii Adelphios und Asklepiades, herausgegeben von Klaas A. Worp [...] Gagos, Traianos
- [Book Review] Corpus Papyronum Raineri Band XVIIB, Griechische Texte XII B, Papyri aus Panopolis, herausgegeben von Pieter J. Sijpesteijn [...] van Minnen, Peter
- [Book Review] The Oxyrnhychus Papyri, Volume LVIII, edited with translations and endnotes by J.R. Rea. Graeco-Roman Memoirs, No. 78 [...] Keenan, James G.
- [Book Review] Il lessico latino nel greco d'Egitto. 2nd edition. By Sergio Daris [...] Keenan, James G.
- [Book Review] Bulletin del la Société d'Archéologie Copte, Tome XXX(1991) [...] Wilfong, [Terry] G.
- [Plates]
Volume 30 (1993)
Issue 1-2
- The Century of Papyrology (1892-1992) van Minnen, Peter
- A New Papyrus of Demosthenes' Contra Timocratem Babcock, Robert G.
- A Table Of Squares (P.Tebt. II 683 verso) Cribiore, Raffaela
- 21st International Congress of Papyrologists
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
- Notes on Egyptian Census Declarations, V Bagnall, Roger S.
- Two Chronologically Interesting Papyri from the Michigan Collection Sijpesteijn, P.J.; Worp, K.A.
- P.Bon. I 33: A Republication Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- Dioscorus and the Impotence of Envy Dickie, Matthew W.
- Jonathan Byrd 36.2: Another Πενειωτ Πετϲϩλι Text? Clackson, S.J.
- [Book Review] Text und Textwert der griechischen Handshriften des Neuen Testaments: II. Die Paulinischen Briefe. [...], ed. Kurt Aland [...] White, John L.
- [Book Review] William M. Brashear, Magica Varia [...] Wilfong, Terry G.
- [Book Review] Monika R.M. Hasitzka. Neue Texte und Dokumentation zum Koptisch-Unterricht [...] Wilfong, Terry G.
- [Obituary] Alessandra Gara [Bagnall], [Roger S. ]
- [Plates]
- The Century of Papyrology (1892-1992) van Minnen, Peter
Issue 3-4
- P.Vars 7: Not a School Exercise Cribiore, Raffaella
- A Petrie Papyrus and the Battle of Raphia Casson, Lionel
- Manumission in the Form of a Donatio Mortis Causa Farr, Julie
- Εν̓σχήμονες in Roman Egypt Lewis, Naphtali
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
- Managing Estates in Roman Egypt: A Review Article Bagnall, Roger S.
- Papyrology and Byzantine Historiography Keenan, James G.
- Sale of an Olive Crop Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- P.Yale I 73: A Republication Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- Correction
- Receipt for Tax-money, with Some New Officials Gagos, Traianos; Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- [Book Review] Treu, Kurt, and Johannes Diethart, Griechische literarische Papyri christlichen Inhaltes II [...] Kuehn, Clement A.
- [Book Review] Hoogendijk, F.A.J., and van Minnen, P., edd. [...]Papyri, Ostraca, Parchments and Waxed Tablets in the Leiden Papyrological Institute [...] Hanson, Ann Ellis
- [Book Review] Mons Claudianus. Ostraca Graeca et Latina I (O. Claud I à 190), edited with translations and notes by Jean Bingen [et al., ...] Nielsen, Bruce E.
- [Book Review] K. Aland et al., Text und Textwert der griechischen Handscriften des Neuen Testaments III [...] Tobin, Thomas H.
- [Plates]
Volume 31 (1994)
Issue 1-2
- On the Restoration of Two Passages in A Valentinian Exposition (Nag Hammadi Codex XI, 2) Emmel, Stephen
- Varia Descripta Oxyrhynchita Montserrat, Dominic; Fantoni, Georgina; Robinson, Patrick
- [Plates]
- On the Restoration of Two Passages in A Valentinian Exposition (Nag Hammadi Codex XI, 2) Emmel, Stephen
- Varia Descripta Oxyrhynchita Montserrat, Dominic; Fantoni, Georgina; Robinson, Patrick
Issue 2-3
- The Appian Papyrus from Dura-Europus (P.Dura 2) Babcock, Robert G.; Johnson, William A.
- Taking Stock: Declarations of Property from the Ptolemaic Period van Minnen, Peter
- The WIll of Gaius Longinus Castor Keenan, James G.
- Greek and Latin Documents from 'Abu Sha'ar, 1992-1993 Bagnall, Roger S.; Sheridan, Jennifer A.
- P.Mich. inv. 33: A Fragment of a Martyrology? Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- Remarks on Two κατ’ οἰκίαν άπογραϕαί Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- A Woman of Property: Techosous alias Eudaimonis Nielsen, Bruce E.
- A Fourth-Century Receipt from the Michigan Collection Jenkins, Fred W.
- The Bawit Contracts: Texts and Translations MacCoull, [Leslie] S.B.
- Introducing the Online Catalogue of the Duke Papyrus Collection van Minnen, Peter
- [Book Review] Skeat, Theodore Cressy. The Reign of Augustus in Egypt: Conversion Tables for the Egyptian and Julian Calendars, 30 B.C. - 14 A.D. [...] Oates, John F.
- [Plates]
Volume 32 (1995)
Issue 1-2
- A New Epigram by Poseidippus on an Irritable Dead Cretan Dickie, [Matthew] W.
- Equal in Honor to the First Friends Oates, John F.
- Receipt for Tax on Prostitutes Nelson, C.A.
- SB XVI 12837: An Addition Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- Charite's Christianity Bagnall, Roger S.
- Deserted Villages: Two Late Antique Town Sites in Egypt van Minnen, Peter
- The Aphrodito Murder Mystery: A Return to the Scene of the Crimes Keenan, James G.
- Women, Law, and Social Realities in Late Antiquity: A Review Article Bagnall, Roger S.
- [Book Review] Clarysse, Willy, and Vandorpe, Katelijn. Zénon, un homme d'affaires grecs à l'ombre des pyramides [...] Keenan, James G.
- [Book Review] Daris, Sergio Papiri documentari greci del Fondo Palau-Ribes (P.Palau.Rib) [...] Keenan, James G.
- [Book Review] Dwight Wayne Young. Coptic Manuscripts from the White Monastery: Works of Shenute [...] Wilfong, Terry G.
- [Book Review] Monika R.M. Hasitzka, Koptisches Sammelbuch I [...] Wilfong, Terry G.
- [Plates]
Issue 3-4
- Four Coptic Papyri from the Patermouthis Archive in the British Library Clackson, S.J.
- Remarks on Some Tebtunis Papyri in SB XVIII Keenan, James G.
- Four Papyri From the Berlin Collection Nelson, C.A.
- Another Memphis Poll Tax Receipt Nelson, C.A.
- Incest Revisited: Three Notes on the Demography of Sibling Marriage in Roman Egypt Scheidel, Walter
- Mummy Labels from the Oriental Institute's Excavations at Medinet Habu Wilfong, Terry G.
- The Hapless Recruit Psois and the Mighty Anchorite, Apa John Zuckerman, Constantine
- [Book Review] L'État et les institutions en Égypte des premiers pharaons aux empereurs romains. By Geneviève Husson & Dominique Valbelle [...] Manning, J.G.
- [Book Review] Berichtigungsliste der Griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Ägypten, Neunter Band. Herausgegeben von P.W. Pestman und H.-A. Rupprecht [...] Oates, John F.
- [Book Review] Tiziano Dorandi, ed., Theodor Gomperz: eine Auswahl herkulanischer kleiner Schriften (1864-1909) [...] Summers, Kirk
- [Book Review] Bärbel Kramer, Das Vertragsregister von Theogenis (P.Vindob. G 40618) [...] Winnicki, J.K.
- [Plates]
Volume 33 (1996)
- [Obituary] Elinor Mullett Husselman Wilfong, Terry G.
- [Obituary] Pieter Johannes Sijpesteijn Bagnall, Roger S.
- Sale of Two Slaves Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- A Ptolemaic Account Jenkins, Fred W.
- What's in an Age? A Comparative View of Bias in the Census Returns of Roman Egypt Scheidel, Walter
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
- A Note on P.Oxy. XII 1430 Worp, K.A.
- P.Oxy. I 37.8-9: Who Got the Contract? Worp, K.A.
- Two Princeton Papyri Revised Poll, I.J.; Worp, K.A.
- Towards an Explanation of the Typology of the So-Called "Orders to Arrest" Gagos, Traianos ; Sijpesteijn, P.J.
- Alexander's Non-European Troops and Ptolemy I's Use of Such Troops Hammond, N.G.L.
- Petitions to the Dioiketes? Hengstl, Joachim
- Women without Guardians: An Updated List Sheridan, Jennifer A.
- "No Papyrus and No Portraits": Hogarth, Grenfell and the First Season in the Fayum, 1895-6 Montserrat, Dominic
- [Book Review] Sven P. Vleeming. Ostraka varia. Tax Receipts and Legal Documents on Demotic, Greek, and Greek-Demotic Ostraka, chiefly of the Early Ptolemaic Period, from Various Collections [...] Muhs, Brian
- [Book Review] Dirk Obbink, editor. Philodemus and Poetry: Poetic THeory and Practice in Lucretius, Philodemus, and Horace [...]Tsakiropoulou-Summers, Tatiana
- [Book Review] Adolphe Guttub. Kôm Ombo I: Les inscriptions du naos (sanctuaires, salles de l'ennéade, salle des offrandes, couloir mystéreieux) [...] Wilfong, Terry G.
- [Book Review] MacCoull, Leslie S.B., Editor. Studies in the Christian East in Memory of Mirrit Boutros Ghali [...] Wilfong, Terry G.
- Books Received
- Announcement
- [Plates]
- [Obituary] Elinor Mullett Husselman Wilfong, Terry G.
Volume 34 (1997)
- A Stele from Terenouthis Cribiore, Raffaella
- Philostratus and Pindar's Eighth Paean Dickie, M.W.
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
- Twins in Roman Egypt: Postscript to BASP 33 (1996) Scheidel, Walter
- Restoring Heraclas, alias Heracleon (P.Mich. inv. nos. 173a ined. + 175, and 1230) Gagos, Traianos
- A Note on κον̃ϕα "Empties" Mayerson, Philip
- Five Census Returns in the Beinecke Library Duttenhöfer, Ruth
- The Dossier of Patermouthis Sidêrourgos: New Texts from Chicago Hickey, T.M.; Worp, K.A.
- Ptolema's Distress Away From Home (SB XX 14132 Revised) Gonis, N.
- [Book Review] Bernadette Menu, ed., Les problèmes institutionnels de l'eau en Égypte ancienne et dans l'Antiquité méditerranéenne [...] Keenan, James G.
- [Book Review] A.J.B. Sirks, P.J. Sijpesteijn, and K.A. Worp, Ein frühbyzantinisches Szenario für die Amtswechslung in der Sitonie. Die griechischen Papyri aus Pommersfelden (PPG) mit einem Anhang über: die Pommersfeldener Digestenfragmente und die Überlieferungsgeschichte der Digesten [...] Keenan, James G.
- [Book Review] Bulletin de Liaison du Groupe International d'Étude de la Céramique Égyptienne XVIII [...] Hedstrom, Darlene Brooks
- [Book Review] Pierre Grandet Le Papyrus Harris I [...] Wilfong, Terry G.
- [Book Review] Günter Burkard, Spätzeitliche Osiris-Liturgien im Corpus der Asasif-Papyri: Übersetzung, Kommentar, Formale und inhaltliche Analyse [...] Wilfong, Terry G.
- [Book Review] Aland, Kurt; Rosenbaum, Hans-Udo. Repertorium der griechischen christlichen Papyri II: Kirchenväter-Papyri, Teil I: Beschreibungen [...] Brakke, David
- [Book Review] Nils Arne Pedersen, Studies in the Sermon on the Great War: Investigations of a Manichaean-Coptic Text from the Fourth Century [...] BeDuhn, Jason David
- Books Received
- Announcement
- [Plates]
- A Stele from Terenouthis Cribiore, Raffaella
- Philostratus and Pindar's Eighth Paean Dickie, M.W.
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
Volume 35 (1998)
Issue 1-2
- Editorial Foreword Wilfong, Terry ; Renner, Timothy; Whitehorne, John
- TOPOI: Investigations into Some Social and Spiritual Geographies of Post-Pharaonic Egypt Thomas, Thelma K.
- Privatization and Subdivision of Urban Properties in the Early Byzantine Centuries: Social and Cultural Implications Saradi, Helen
- Space, Distance and Gender: Authority and the Separation of Communities in the White Monastery Krawiec, Rebecca
- Mimesis, Metamorphosis and Representation in Coptic Monastic Cells Bolman, Elizabeth S.
- Transformations of Ecclesiastical Space: Churches in the Area of Akhmim McNally, Sheila
- [Book Review] Panagiota Sarischouli, ed., Berliner Griechische Papyri. Christliche literarische Texte und Urkunden aus dem 3. bis 8. Jh. n. Chr. [...] Whitehorne, John
- [Book Review] Worp, K.A. Greek Papyri from Kellis: I (P.Kell.G.) Nos. 1-90 [...] Sheridan, Jennifer A.
- [Book Review] Diem, Werner. Arabische Privatbriefe des 9. bis 15. Jahrhunderts aus der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien [...] Cobb, Paul M.
- [Book Review] Diem, Werner. Arabische amtliche Briefe des 10. bis 16. Jahrhunderts aus der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek in Wien [...] Cobb, Paul M.
- [Book Review] Lapp, Günther The Papyrus of Nu (BM EA 10477) [...] Wilfong, Terry G.
- [Book Review] Hasitzka, Monika R. M. Ein neues Archiv koptischer Ostraka [...] Wilfong, Terry G.
- Books Received
- [Plates]
- Editorial Foreword Wilfong, Terry ; Renner, Timothy; Whitehorne, John
- TOPOI: Investigations into Some Social and Spiritual Geographies of Post-Pharaonic Egypt Thomas, Thelma K.
- Privatization and Subdivision of Urban Properties in the Early Byzantine Centuries: Social and Cultural Implications Saradi, Helen
Issue 3-4
- [Obituary] Allen P. Wikgren Wilfong, Terry G.
- Note on Papyri van Minnen, Peter
- An Unedited Coptic Leaf of Genesis in Cambridge University Library (P.Camb.UL Or. 1699 Π i) Clackson, Sarah
- A School Tablet: A List of Names and Numbers Cribiore, Raffaella
- ΣΗΚΩΜΑΤΑ--"Standard" Measures for Decanting Wine Mayerson, Philip
- Bandits, Real and Imagined, in Greco-Roman Egypt McGing, B.C.
- "It was Wonderful, Our Return in the Darkness with...the Baskets of Papyri!": Papyrus Finds at Tebtunis from the Bagnani Archives, 1931-1936 Begg, D.J.I.
- A Note on O.Mich. I 249: λόγοϲ οι̌νον ϲακ( ) Mayerson, Philip
- Epiphanius' Sabitha In Egypt: Σάμβαϑον/ϲάμϕαϑον/ϲάμαϑον Mayerson, Philip
- A Concordance of C. Wessely, Schrifttafeln zur älteren lateinischen palaeographie Ford, Michael
- [Book Review] Meyer, Marvin and Paul Mirecki, editors. Ancient Magic and Ritual Power [...] Bohak, Gideon
- [Book Review] Schüssler, Karlheinz, ed. Biblia coptica: Die koptischen Bibeltexte, Bd I Das sahidische Alte und Neue Testament: sa 1-20 [...] Clackson, Sarah
- [Book Review] Cuvigny, Hélène Papyrus Graux II (P.Graux 9 à 29) [...] Hanson, Ann Ellis
- [Book Review] Scheidel, Walter. Measuring Sex, Age and Death in the Roman Empire: Explorations in Ancient Demography [...]Montserrat, Dominic
- Books Received
- [Plates]
Volume 36 (1999)
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
- Three Loans from the Berlin Collection Nelson, C.A.
- Greek, Coptic, and Jewish Magic in the Cairo Genizah Bohak, Gideon
- Lender, Borrower and Banker in P.Yale I 65 Bagnall, Roger S.
- The Death Declarations of Roman Egypt: A Re-appraisal Scheidel, Walter
- Namesakes of Saint Thecla in Late Antique Egypt Davis, Stephen J.
- A Note on Syriac Sabitha and Kollathon in the Papyri Mayerson, Philip
- άλυκῆϲ κϑ/in the Aphrodito Papyri = κόλλαϑον of Salt? Mayerson, Philip
- Κα(μ)ψάκηϲ in the Papyri, LXX and TLG Mayerson, Philip
- Lease of a Vineyard Dry, Shawn
- P.Oxy. XXIV 2422 Revised: Report of a Collection of Meat Nielsen, Bruce E.
- Transactions Involving γλεῦκοϲ/μοῦϲτοϲ: Must or Wine? Or Must Wine? Mayerson, Philip
- [Book Review] Cotton, Hannah M. and Ada Yardeni. Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek Documentary Texts from Naḥal Ḥever and Other Sites, with an Appendix Containing Alleged Qumran Texts (The Seiyâl Collection II). Discoveries in the Judean Desert XXVII [...] Bagnall, Roger S.
- [Book Review] Cervenka-Ehrenstrasser, Irene-Maria. Lexikon der Lateinischen Lehnwörter in den griechischsprachigen dokumentarischen Texten Ägyptens mit Berücksichtigung koptischer Quellen (Lex.Lat.Lehn.): Faszikel I (Alpha). Unter Mitarbeit von Johannes Diethart [...] Duttenhöfer, Ruth
- [Book Review] Walker, Susan and Morris Bierbrier [and others]. Ancient Faces: Mummy Portraits from Roman Egypt [...] Thomas, Thelma K.
- [Book Review] Bierbrier, Morris [and others]. Portraits and Masks: Burial Customs in Roman Egypt [...] Frankfurter, Davd T.
- [Book Review] Papyrologische Studien: Zum privaten und gesellschaftlichen Leben in den ersten islamischen Jahrhunderten. Vorbereitet von Adolf Grohmann [...] Frantz-Murphy, Gladys
- [Book Review] Hunter, Richard. Theocritus and the Archeology of Greek Poetry [...] Kutzko, David
- [Book Review] DePauw, Mark. A Companion to Demontic Studies. Papyrologica Bruxellensia 28 [...] O'Brien, Alexandria A.
- [Book Review] Harrill, J. Albert. The Manumission of Slaves in Early Christianity [...] Teeter, Timothy
- [Book Review] Llewelyn, S.R., Editor [with contributions by J.R. Harrison and M. Harding]. New Documents Illustrating Early Christrianity 8: A Review of the Greek Inscriptions and Papyri Published 1984-85 [...] van Minnen, Peter
- [Book Review] Worp, K.A. and A. Rijksbaron, edd. The Kellis Isocrates Codex (P.Kell.Gr. 95) [...] Whitehorne, John
- [Book Review] Kuhn, K.H. and W.J. Tait, editors. Thirteen Coptic Acrostic Hymns from Manuscript M574 of the Pierpont Morgan Library [...] Wilfong, Terry G.
- [Book Review] Cauville, Sylvie. Le Temple de Dendara: Les chapelles osiriennes [...] Wilfong, Terry G.
- [Book Review] Cauville, Sylvie. Le Temple de Dendara: Les chapelles osiriennes (Transcription et traduction) [...] Wilfong, Terry G.
- [Book Review] Cauville, Sylvie. Le Temple de Dendara: Les chapelles osiriennes (Commentaire) [...] Wilfong, Terry G.
- [Book Review] Cauville, Sylvie, Jochen Hallof and Hans van den Berg. Le Temple de Dendara: Les chapelles osiriennes (Index) [...]Wilfong, Terry G.
- [Book Review] Cribiore, Raphaella. Writing, Teachers and Students in Graeco-Roman Egypt. [...] Bucking, Scott
- [Book Review] Bulletin de Liaison du Groupe International d'Égypte de la Céramique Égyptienne XIX (1996) ]...] Hedstrom, Darlene Brooks
- Books Received
- [Plates]
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
Volume 37 (2000)
- [Obituary] William H. Willis Oates, John F.
- [Obituary] William Matt Brashear Maehler, Herwig; Renner, Timothy
- New Instrumental Music from Graeco-Roman Egypt Johnson, William A.
- An Early Coptic Witness to the Dormito Mariae at Yale: P.CtYBR inv. 1788 Revised Sellew, Philip
- Six Small Byzantine Papyri from the Duke Collection Gonis, Nikolaos
- Judiciary Routines in Roman Egypt Lewis, Naphtali
- Brief Footnotes on Banditry in the Papyri Lewis, Naphtali
- The Economic Status of Potters in P.Oxy. L 3595-3597 & XVI 1911, 1913 Mayerson, Philip
- έπαλείψομεν in P.Oxy. XIV 1631.17 and XLVII 3354.18: "Oiling" or "Sealing" Mayerson, Philip
- Standardization of Wine Measures at Oxyrhynchus in the Third Century A.D. and its Extension to the Fayum Mayerson, Philip
- Youtie's "Guidelines" Worp, Klaas A.
- Preface Gagos, Traianos
- Materials for a History of the Human Body in Egypt and the Graeco-Roman World
- The Body in Early Eastern Christian Sources Brakke, David
- The Human Body as Social and Political Metaphor in Stoic Literature and Early Christian Writers McVay, John K.
- The Body in Ancient Egyptian Texts and Representations Teeter, Emily
- Embodying Archaeology: Theory and Praxis Meskel, Lynn
- [Book Review] Fournet, Jean-Luc. Hellénisme dans l'Égypte du Vle siècle: La bibliothèque et l'oeuvre de Dioscore d'Aphrodité [...]MacCoull, Leslie S.B.
- [Book Review] Peacock, D.P.S. and V.A. Maxfield, [...] Survey and Excavation: Mons Claudinanus 1987-1993. Vol I: Topography and Quarries [...] Meyer, Carol
- [Book Review] Filodemo. Memorie epicuree (P.Herc 1418 e 310). Edizone, traduzione e commento a cura di Cesira Militello [...]Perdicoyianni-Paléologou, Hélène
- [Book Review] Gigante, Marcello. Altre ricerche Filodeme [...] Perdicoyianni-Paléologou, Hélène
- [Book Review] Montevecchi, Orsolina. Scripta Selecta [...] Whitehorne, John
- Books Received
- [Announcement]
- [Plates]
Volume 38 (2001)
- Editorial Foreword
- Household Accounts: SB I 5224 Revisited Bagnall, Roger S.; Worp, Klaas A.
- A New Document from the Sempronius Dossier: A Letter from Maximus Barrenechea, Francisco
- A Plea for Correspondence Fulkerson, Laurel
- The Coptic Verso of P.Berl.Sarisch. 7 MacCoull, Leslie S.B.
- Lease of Part of a House and Workshop Rabinowitz, Adam
- Brothers or Lovers? A New Reading of the "Tondo of the Two Brothers" Haeckl, Anne E.
- The Spathion Jar in the Papyri Kruit, Nico; Worp, Klaas A.
- In the World of P.Panop.Beatty. Ship Repair Lewis, Naphtali
- Сηκώματα: Measure of Wine, Not Jars Mayerson, Philip
- A Clarification of φοῖνιξ μονόξυλοϲ and φοῖνιξ καϑαρόϲ/ρ́υπαρόϲ Mayerson, Philip
- Radish Oil: A Phenomenon in Roman Egypt Mayerson, Philip
- The Health of Ptolemy II Philadelphus Tunny, Jennifer Ann
- [Book Review] Teeter, Timothy M. Columbia Papyri XI [...] Mirecki, Paul
- [Book Review] Bagnall, Roger S., B.W. Frier, and I.C. Rutherford, The Census Register P.Oxy 984: The Reverse of Pinder's Paeans [...]Scheidel, Walter
- [Book Review] Russo, Simona, I gioielli nei papiri di età greco-romana [...] Verhoogt, Arthur
- [Book Review] Nicholson, Paul T. and Ian Shaw, editors. Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology [...] Wilfong, Terry G.
- [ADDENDUM] T. Gagos and R.S. Bagnall (eds.), Essays and Texts in Honor of J. David Thomas. Am.Stud.Pap 42(2001).
- Books Received
- [Plates]
- Editorial Foreword
Volume 39 (2002)
- Editorial Foreword
- A Declaration of Property from the Michigan Collection Caldwell, Robert
- Un "Notre-Père" en copte à Mèdinet Abou Delattre, Alain
- Two Entagia in Search of an Author Gonis, Nikolaos; Morelli, Federico
- Zygostatai in Egypt from 363 A.D. Onwards: A Papyrological Prosopography De Groote, Marc
- A Duke Papyrus of Herodotus iv 144.2-145.1 Hatzilambrou, Rosalia G.
- A Seventh-Century List of Jars from Edfu Kruit, Nico; Worp, Klaas A.
- Notationes Legentis Lewis, Naphtali
- Three Sales of Houses at Socnopaiou Nesos Litinas, Nikos
- A Papyrus Tag? Litinas, Nikos
- Qualitative Distinctions for ε̌λαιον (Oil) and ψωμίον (Bread) Mayerson, Philip
- P.Oxy. IV 708: δείγματα Found to Be ού καϑαρά and Their Implications Mayerson, Philip
- An Insight into P.Oxy. XIV 1902 by Way of 2021 Mayerson, Philip
- Ptolemaic Pigs: An Ecological Study THompson, Dorothy J.
- P.Mich. XVIII 760 (P.Mich. inv. 1591): A Fragment of Polybius' Homeric Geography? Williams, Mary Frances
- Deeds of Last Will in Graeco-Roman Egypt: A Case Study in Regionalism Yiftach, Uri
- [Special Review Article] Bastianni, Guido and Claudio Gallazzi (eds.), Papiri dell'Università degli Studi di Milano - VIII. Posidippo di Pella: Epigrammi (P.Mil.Vogl. VIII 309) [...] Acosta-Hughes, Benjamin; Renner, Timothy
- [Special Review Article] Austin, C. and G. Bastanianni. Posidppi Pellaei Quae Supersunt Omnia [...] Acosta-Hughes, Benjamin; Renner, Timothy
- [Book Review] Clédat, Jean, Le Monastère et la nécropole de Baouit [...] Clackson, Sarah J.
- [Book Review] Papaconstantinou, Arietta. Le Culte des saints en Égyptes des Byzantins aux Abbassindes. L'apport des sources papyrologiques et épigraphiques grecques et coptes [...] Frankfurter, David
- [Book Review] Andorlini, Isabella et al. (eds.), Atti del XXII Congresso internazionale di papirologia. Firenze, 23-29 agosto 1998 [...]Keenan, James G.
- [Book Review] Sarischouli, Panagiota. Spätptolemäische Urkunden aus dem Herakleopolites [...] Verhoogt, Arthur
- [Book Review] Bowman, Alan K., P. Garnsey, and D. Rathbone (eds.), The Cambridge Ancient History. Second Edition. Volume XI. The High Empire A.D. 70-192 [...] Whitehorne, John
- Books Received
- [Plates]
- Editorial Foreword
- A Declaration of Property from the Michigan Collection Caldwell, Robert
Volume 40 (2003)
- Editorial Foreword Gagos, Traianos
- [Obituary] Sarah J. Clackson Wilford, T. G.
- P.Princ. II 84 Revisited Bagnall, Roger S.; Worp, Klaas A.
- The Book of Jubilees in Coptic: An Early Christian Florilegium on the Family of Noah Crislip, Andrew
- P.Vindob.G. 39756 + Bodl. MS Gr. th. f 4 [P]: Fragmente eines Codex der griechischen Petrus-Apokalypse Kraus, Thomas J.
- Noms sémitiques à Edfou et Thèbes Honigman, Sylvie
- Deserted Villages: From the Ancient to the Medieval Fayyūm Keenan, James G.
- Compositional Patterns in PGM IV (=P.Bibl.Nat.Suppl. gr. no 574) LiDonnici, Lynn [R.]
- The κάγκελλον Artab Measure Equals Five Modii Xysti? Mayerson, Philip
- άμπελουργο΄ϲ: More than a "Vine Dresser" Mayerson, Philip
- Notes on Five Non-Literary Latin Letters Thomas, J. David
- Strategus, Centurion, or Neither: BGU I 321 and 322 (=M.Chrest. 114 and 124) and Their Duplicates Whitehorne, John
- Women's Things and Men's Things: Notes on Gender and Property at Jeme Wilfong, T.G.
- [Book Review] Frösén, Jaakko, Antti Arjava and Marjo Lehtinen (eds.), The Petra Papyri. Volume I [...] Keenan, James G.
- [Book Review] Mooren, Leon (ed.), Politics, Administration and Society in the Hellenistic and Roman World. Proceedings of the International Colloquium Bertinoro 19-24 July 1997 [...] Verhoogt, Arthur
- [Book Review] Biedenkopf-Ziehner, Annalise, Koptische Ostraka [...] Wilfong, T.G.
- [Book Review] Clackson, Sarah J. Coptic and Greek Texts Relating to the Hermopolite Monastery of Apa Apollo [...] Wilfong, T.G.
- Books Received
- Announcement
- [Plates]
Volume 41 (2004)
- Editorial Foreword Gagos, Traianos
- [Obituary] Louise C. Youtie (1909-2004) Hanson, Ann E.
- [Obituary] G. Michael Browne (1943-2004) Bay, Stephen M.; Parca, Maryline G.
- Homerica Varia Michiganensia Gagos, Traianos; Litinas, Nikos; Priest, Nancy E.
- A Lease of House-Property from Byzantine Oxyrhynchus Hatzilambrou, Rosalia G.
- A Greek Papyrus Amulet from the Duke Collection with Biblical Excerpts La'da, Csaba A.; Papathomas, Amphilochios
- The Lack of Linen-Weavers Litinas, Nikos
- Annotations on Demosthenes 23.103 (In Aristocratem) McNamee, Kathleen
- κριϑολογίαand κριϑολογηϑῆναι Mayerson, Philip
- Notes on Papyri Relating to Claudia Isidora Also Called Apia Thomas, J. David
- Petitions to the Centurion: a Question of Locality? Whitehorne, John
- [Plates]
- Editorial Foreword Gagos, Traianos
- [Obituary] Louise C. Youtie (1909-2004) Hanson, Ann E.
- [Book Review] Papapolychroniou, Eustathios (ed.), Greek Papyri in the Benaki Museum. From the Collections of the Historical Archives [...] Capponi, Livia
- [Book Review] Schüssler, Karlheinz (ed.), Biblia Coptica. Die koptischen Bibeltexte, Band I. Das sahidische Alte und Neue Testament: Lieferung 4: sa 93-120. [...] Choat, Malcolm
- [Book Review] Rupprecht, H.-A. and A.M.F.W. Verhoogt (eds.) Berichtigungsliste der griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Ägypten. Elfter Band [...] Gonis, Nikolaos
- Books Received
- Corrigenda
Volume 42 (2005)
- [Plates]
- Editorial Forward
- Crows and Ravens in the Mediterranean (the Nile Valley, Greece and Italy) as Presented in the Ancient and Modern Proverbial Literature Foufopoulos, Johannes; Litinas, Nikos
- Some Curious Prescripts (Native Languages in Greek Dress?) Foufopoulos, Johannes; Litinas, Nikos
- Change and Continuity in the Administration of Ptolemaic Lycia: A Note on P. Tebt. I 8 Gygax, Marc Domingo
- ϲι̃τοϲ/πυρόϲ in Egypt as Deliberate Mixtures of Wheat with Barley Mayerson, Philip
- Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Papyrology. Mapping Fragmentation and Migration Flow to Hellenistic Egypt Mueller, Katja
- Chairemon: Alexandrian Citizen, Royal Scribe, Gymnasiarch, Landholder at Bacchias, and Loving Father Smolders, Ruben
- Due frammenti di un unico rotolo? P.Duke inv. 756 e P.Mil. Vogl. inv. 1358 (Herodotus IV 144.2-145.1 e 147.4-5) Soldati, Agostino
- The Reply of Jesus to King Abgar: A Coptic New Testament Apocryphon Reconsidered (P.Mich. Inv. 6213) Sullivan, Kevin P.; Wilfong, Terry G.
- An Addition to P.Yale I 24 (Demosthenes, Against Phaenippus 14–15) Wilkinson, Kevin W.
- Checklist of Arabic Papyri (Beta Version) Sijpesteijn, Petra; Oates, John; Kaplony, Andreas
- Preface
- (Con)textual Encounters in Egypt: Bridging the Disciplinary Divide between Archaeology and Papyrology
- Material Culture and Texts of Graeco-Roman Egypt: Creating Context, Debating Meaning Gagos, Traianos; Gates, Jennifer; Wilburn, Andrew
- Text and Context in the Archive of Tiberianus (Karanis, Egypt; 2nd Century AD) Stephan, Robert P.; Verhoogt, Arthur
- Landscape and Memory: al-Nabulsi's Ta'rikh al-Fayyum Keenan, James G.
- Examples of Town Planning in the Fayyum Davoli, Paola
- Texts, Contexts, Subtexts and Interpretative Frameworks. Beyond the Parochial and toward (Dynamic) Modeling of the Ptolemaic Economy Manning, J. G.
- Response Bowman, Alan K.
- Response Johnson, Janet H.
- [Book Review] Hélène Cadell and Georges Le Rider, Prix du blé et numéraire dans l'Égypte lagide de 305 à 173. Verhoogt, Arthur
- [Book Review] Denis Feissel and Jean Gascou (eds.), La pétition à Byzance. Keenan, James G.
- [Book Review] Donald B. Redford, From Slave to Pharaoh. The Black Experience of Ancient Egypt. Verhoogt, Arthur
- [Book Review] Constantine Zuckerman, Du village à l'Empire: autour du Registre fiscal d'Aphroditô (525/526). Keenan, James G.
- Books Received
- [Plates]
- Editorial Forward
- Crows and Ravens in the Mediterranean (the Nile Valley, Greece and Italy) as Presented in the Ancient and Modern Proverbial Literature Foufopoulos, Johannes; Litinas, Nikos
Volume 43 (2006)
- Naphtali Lewis (1911-2005) Bagnall, Roger S.
- Ostraca and Mummy Labels in Los Angeles Muhs, Brian P.; Worp, Klaas A.; van der Vliet, Jacques
- Un extrait du Psaume 90 en copte: Édition de P.Duk. inv. 448 Delattre, Alain
- O.Col. inv. 1366: A Coptic Prayer from Deir el-Bahri with a Quotation from Tobit 12:10 Mairs, Rachel
- Genealogy and the Gymnasium Ruffini, Giovanni
- The Modius as a Grain Measure in Papyri from Egypt Mayerson, Philip
- Mega Kankellon and Metron in Late Receipt and Expenditure Accounts Mayerson, Philip
- Ostraca from Western Thebes: Provenance and History of the Collections at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and at Columbia University O'Connell, Elisabeth R.
- What's in a Name? Greek, Egyptian and Biblical Traditions in the Cambyses Romance Venticinque, Philip F.
- [Book Review] Michael Gronewald et al., Kölner Papyri (P.Köln), Band 10. Abhandlungen der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sonderreihe Papyrologica Coloniensia, Vol. 10. [...] Papathomas, Amphilochios
- [Book Review] Klaas A. Worp, Greek Ostraka from Kellis: O.Kellis, Nos. 1-293. With a chapter on the ostraka and the archaeology of Ismant el-Kharab by Colin A. Hope. Dakhleh Oasis Project, Monograph 13. [...] Kraus, Thomas J.
- [Book Review] William A. Johnson, Bookrolls and Scribes in Oxyrhynchus [...] Kraus, Thomas J.
- [Book Review] Thomas J. Kraus and Tobias Nicklas (eds.), New Testament Manuscripts: Their Texts and Their Worlds. Texts and Editions for New Testament Study 2. [...] Parker, David C.
- [Book Review] Claudio Gallazzi and Luigi Lehnus (eds.), Achille Vogliano cinquant’anni dopo, Vol. 1. Quaderni di Acme 59. [...] van Minnen, Peter
- [Book Review] Ugo Zanetti and Enzo Lucchesi (eds.), Ægyptus Christiana. Mélanges d’hagiographie égyptienne et orientale dédiés à la mémoire du P. Paul Devos, Bollandiste. Cahiers d’orientalisme 25.[...] van Minnen, Peter
- [Book Review] Hans Julius Wolff, Das Recht der griechischen Papyri Ägyptens in der Zeit der Ptolemaeer und des Prinzipats, Erster Band: Bedingungen und Triebkräfte der Rechtsentwicklung. [...] van Minnen, Peter
- [Book Review] Ranon Katzoff and David Schaps (eds.), Law in the Documents of the Judaean Desert. Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 96. [...] Verhoogt, Arthur
- [Book Review] Joseph G. Manning, Land and Power in Ptolemaic Egypt: The Structure of Land Tenure [...] Verhoogt, Arthur
- [Book Review] Arthur Verhoogt, Regaling Officials in Ptolemaic Egypt: A Dramatic Reading of Official Accounts from the Menches Papers. Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava 32. [...] Whitehorne, John
- [Book Review] John Matthews, The Journey of Theophanes: Travel, Business, and Daily Life in the Roman East [...] Keenan, James G.
- [Book Review] Malcolm Choat, Belief and Cult in Fourth-Century Papyri. Studia Antiqua Australiensia 1. [...] Bagnall, Roger S.
- [Books Received]
- Papyrological Summer Institutes Reports, 2003-2006
Volume 44 (2007)
- John F. Oates (1934-2006)
- A Papyrus with Mathematical Problems Bakker, Marja
- P.Vindob. G 26079: A Parchment Codex Fragment of LXX Ecclesiastes 1:14-17 Blumell, Lincoln
- Three Unpublished Documents from the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library Bevan, George
- Back to Oegstgeest: The von Scherling Papyrus Collection [and] Some von Scherling Texts in Minnesota Bakker, Marja; Bakkers, Alette; Worp, Klaas
- An Estate Overseer's Work Contract and the Meaning of Exotikoi Topoi Benaissa, Amin
- Une lettre copte du monastère de Baouît. Réédition de P.Mich.Copt. 14 Delattre, Alain
- Leinenhändler im Herakleopolites in arabischer Zeit: P.Vindob. A.P. 15021 (PERF 576) Reinfandt, Lucian
- A Medical Treatise On Remedies? P.Turner 14 Revised Leith, David
- Environnement et fisc dans le nome mendésien à l’époque romaine. Réalités et enjeux de la diversification Blouin, Katherine
- The Case for 8,000,000 Modii in Justinian's Edict 13.8 Mayerson, Philip
- Grain yield Ratios in P.Ness. 3.82 (VII) Mayerson, Philip
- New Light on the Patermouthis Archive from Excavations at Aswan. When Archaeology and Papyrology Meet Dijkstra, Jitse H.F.
- [Book Review] Sofía Torallas Tovar and Klaas A. Worp, To the Origins of Greek Stenography [...] Papathomas, Amphilochios
- [Book Review] Kathleen McNamee, Annotations in Greek and Latin Texts from Egypt [...] Dickey, Eleanor
- [Book Review] Tomas Hägg and Bo Utas, The Virgin and Her Lover: Fragments of an Ancient Greek Novel and a Persian Epic Poem. [...] Alvares, Jean
- [Book Review] Tatiana Gammacurta, Papyrologica scaenica. I copioni teatrali nella tradizione papiracea. [...] Whitehorne, John
- [Book Review] Philip Schmitz, die Giessener Zenonpapyri [...] Whitehorne, John
- [Book Review] Sandra Lippert and Maren Schentuleit, Ostraka, Quittungen Jasnow, Richard
- [Book Review] Charikleia Armoni, James M.S. Cowey, and Dieter Hagedorn, Die griechischen Ostraka der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung. [...] Bagnall, Roger S.
- [Book Review] Werner Diem, Arabischer Terminkauf. Ein Beitrag zur Rechts- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte Ägyptens im 8. bis 14. Jahrhundert. [...] Franz-Murphy, Gladys
- [Book Review] Melissa M. Terras (Chapters 4, 5, and Appendix A co-authored with Paul Robertson), Image to Interpretation: An Intelligent System to Aid Historians in Reading the Vindolanda Texts [...] Johnson, William A.
- [Book Review] Larry W. Hurtado, The Earliest Christian Artifacts: Manuscripts and Christian Origins [...] Johnson, William A.
- [Book Review] Jean Bingen, Hellenistic Egypt: Monarchy, Society, Economy, Culture. [...] Whitehorne, John
- [Book Review] Katherine Blouin, Le conflit judéo-alexandrin de 38-41. L’identité juive à l’épreuve. [...] Gambetti, Sandra
- [Book Review] Colin Adams, Land Transport in Roman Egypt: A Study of Economics and Administration in a Roman Province. [...]Jördens, Andrea
- [Book Review] Edda Bresciani, Antonio Giammarusti, Rosario Pintaudi, and Flora Silvano (eds.), Medinet Madi. Venti anni di esplorazione archeologica, 1984-2005. [...] van Minnen, Peter
- [Book Review] Roberta Tomber, Kathryn Knowles, Donald Bailey, and Ross Thomas, Mons Claudianus: Survey and Excavation, 1987-1993 [...] Meyer, Carol
- [Book Review] Christina Riggs, The Beautiful Burial in Roman Egypt: Art, Identity and Funerary Religion [...] Dijkstra, Jitse
- [Book Review] Jitse Dijkstra and Mathilde van Dijk (eds.), The Encroaching Desert: Egyptian Hagiography and the Medieval West [...]Goehring, James E.
- [Book Review] Caroline T. Schroeder, Monastic Bodies: Discipline and Salvation in Shenoute of Atripe. [...] Goehring, James E.
- [Books Received]
- ASP Resolution Concerning the Illicit Trade in Papyri
- American Studies in Papyrology
Volume 45 (2008)
- For Jim Keenan Hickey, Todd M.
- Bibliography of James G. Keenan
- Panettieri, prestiti e Apioni Azzarello, Giuseppina
- SB 6.9025, Cotton, and the Economy of the Small Oasis Bagnall, Roger S.
- Oxyrhynchus in the Early Fourth Century: "Municipalization" and Prosperity Bowman, Alan
- Homer on a Puzzling Ostrakon Cribiore, Raffaella
- Quittances de loyer du topos d'apa Michel d'Antaiopolis Fournet, Jean-Luc
- Compromissum Gagos, Traianos
- Further Letters from the Archive of Apa Ioannes Gonis, Nikolaos
- An Inconvenient Truth? P.Oxy. 18.2196 verso, the Apion Estate, and fiscalité in the Late Antique Oxyrhynchite Hickey, Todd M.
- Familienfehden in Hermupolis - Theophanes und Adelphios Jördens, Andrea
- Zwei officiales in Nöten Mitthof, Fritz; Papathomas, Amphilochios
- Flavius Flavianus - von Herakleoplis nach Konstantinopel? Palme, Bernhard
- Child or Monk? An Unpublished Story Attributed to John Moschos in MS Coislin 257 Papaconstantinou, Arietta
- Un documento dell'oikos di Theon (PL III/331) Pintaudi, Rosario
- Villages and Patronage in Fourth-Century Egypt: The Case of P.Ross.Georg. 3.8 Rathbone, Dominic
- P. Lips. inv. 250 and 260, Two 10th/11th-Century Coptic Texts Richter, Tonio Sebastian
- Aphrodito Before Dioskoros Ruffini, Giovanni
- Much Ado about the Grape Harvest, A Letter from Apollonios to his Father Moss, Jennifer Sheridan
- A Coptic Account of Pottery from the Kilns of Psabt (P.Lond.Copt. 1.695) Wilfong, Terry
- P.Flor. 1.64: A Re-edition Worp, Klaas A.
- [Book Review] Matthias Westerhoff, Auferstehung und Jenseits im koptischen “Buch der Auferstehung Jesu Christi, unseres Herrn.” [...] van Minnen, Peter
- [Books Received]
- American Studies in Papyrology
Volume 46 (2009)
- Alan Edouard Samuel (1932-2008) Bagnall, Roger S.
- A Fragment of Homer, Iliad 21 in the Newberry Library, Chicago Tovar, Sofía Torallas; Worp, Klaas A.
- A Latin Manumission Tax Tablet in Los Angeles van Minnen, Peter; Worp, Klaas A.
- Report of Proceedings in Red Ink from Late Second Century AD Oxyrhynchus Blumell, Lincoln H.
- Two Papyri in Lund Hickey, Todd M.
- Two Michigan Papyri Moss, Jennifer Sheridan
- Letter from Simades to Pynas Vergados, Athanassios
- Annotazioni sui Fragmenta Cairensia delle Elleniche di Ossirinco Cuniberti, Gianluca
- The Deferment of Postpositive Particles in Greek Documentary Papyri Bay, Stephen M.
- Antinoite Citizenship under Hadrian and Antoninus Pius. A Prosopographical Study of the First Thirty Years of Antinoopolis Malouta, Myrto
- Diversification foncière dans le nome mendésien à l’époque romaine Blouin, Katherine
- A Church with No Books and a Reader Who Cannot Write. The Strange Case of P.Oxy. 33.2673 Choat, Malcolm; Yuen-Collingridge, Rachel
- The Embolator in Sixth/Seventh-Century Papyri Mayerson, Philip
- Notes on Papyri
- [Review] Papyrology on the Threshold of a New Millennium Keenan, James G.
- [Review] Less Artemidorus and More van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] Egypt at Empire's End Kuehn, Clement A.
- [Review] Charikleia Armoni et al., Kölner Papyri (P. Köln) Papathomas, Amphilochios
- [Review] A.J.B. Sirks and K.A. Worp (eds.) with the assistance of R.S. Bagnall and R.P. Salomons, Papyri in Memory of P.J. Sijpesteijn (P.Sijp.) Papathomas, Amphilochios
- [Review] F.A.J. Hoogendijk and B.P. Muhs (eds.), Sixty-Five Papyrological Texts Presented to Klaas A. Worp on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday (P.L.Bat. 33) van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] B.P. Muhs, Tax Receipts, Taxpayers, and Taxes in Early Ptolemaic Thebes Clarysse, W.
- [Review] Charikleia Armoni, Papyri aus dem Archiv des Königlichen Schreibers Dionysios (P. Heid. IX) Verhoogt, Arthur
- [Review] Hélène Cuvigny, Ostraca de Krokodilô. La correspondance militaire et sa circulation Gonis, Nikolaos
- [Review] Tomasz Derda, Deir el-Naqlun: The Greek Papyri, Volume Two van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] Nikos Litinas, Greek Ostraca from Abu Mina (O.Abu Mina) van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] Alain Delattre, Papyrus coptes et grecs du monastère d’apa Apollô de Baouît conservés aux Musées royaux d’art et d’histoire de Bruxelles Cromwell, Jennifer
- [Review] Grob, Eva Mira, and Andreas Kaplony (eds.), “Documentary Letters from the Middle East: The Evidence in Greek, Coptic, South Arabian, Pehlevi, and Arabic (1st-15th c CE )” van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] Anke Joisten-Pruschke, Das religiöse Leben der Juden von Elephantine in der Achämenidenzeit Kaufman, Stephen A.
- [Review] Peter Bing and Jon Steffan Bruss (eds.), Brill’s Companion to Hellenistic Epigram down to Philip Stephens, Susan A.
- [Review] Guglielmo Cavallo, La scrittura greca e latina dei papiri. Una introduzione van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] T.J. Kraus, Ad Fontes: Original Manuscripts and Their Significance for Studying Early Christianity. Selected Essays Parker, D.C.
- [Review] James R. Royse, Scribal Habits in Early Greek New Testament Papyri Parker, D.C.
- [Review] Lin Foxhall, Olive Cultivation in Ancient Greece: Seeking the Ancient Economy Sandy, D. Brent
- [Review] Sally-Ann Ashton, Cleopatra and Egypt Whitehorne, John
- [Review] Tomasz Derda, ᾽Αρσινοίτης νομός. Administration of the Fayum under Roman Rule van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] Marguerite Hirt Raj, Médecins et malades de l’Égypte romaine. Étude socio-légale de la profession médicale et de ses praticiens du Ier au IVe siècle ap. J.-C. van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] A.K. Bowman, R.A. Coles, N. Gonis, D. Obbink, and P.J. Parsons (eds.), Oxyrhynchus. A City and Its Texts Dijkstra, Jitse H.F.
- [Review] A. Łajtar, Deir el-Bahari in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. A Study of an Egyptian Temple Based on Greek Sources Dijkstra, Jitse H.F.
- [Review] Laura Miguélez Cavero, Poems in Context. Greek Poetry in the Egyptian Thebaid, 200-600 AD Schubert, Paul
- [Review] Sophrone de Jérusalem, Miracles des saints Cyr et Jean (BHG I 477-479) van Minnen, Peter
- [Books Received]
- [Advertisement]
Volume 47 (2010)
- For John Whitehorne van Minnen, Peter
- Traianos Gagos (1960-2010) van Minnen, Peter
- Il discorso di Fenice e P.Tebt. 2.680. (Hom. Il. 9.454-469 e 501-512) Iori, Luca; Bonati, Isabella
- Hexameters from Late Antiquity with a Homeric Allusion Eckerman, Chris
- A New Fragment of LXX Isaiah 23. (Rahlfs-Fraenkel 844) Luijendijk, AnneMarie
- A Gymnasial Registration Report from Oxyrhynchus Yiftach-Firanko, Uri
- An Oxyrhynchite Marriage Contract as School Exercise? Garvey, Tom
- A Delayed Money Transfer Concannon, Cavan
- A Woman’s Unease about Her Property Garvey, Tom
- An Arsinoite Loan of Money with Interest in Kind Blouin, Katherine
- A Lease of Urban Property from Hermopolis Connor, Andrew
- A Rhythmical Arrangement of the Fragmentum De bellis Macedonicis Kouznetsov, Alexander
- Le vocabulaire de la pathologie et de la thérapeutique dans les papyrus iatromagiques grecs. Fièvres, traumatismes et « épilepsie » de Haro Sanchez, Magali
- Amphora Production in the Roman World. A View from the Papyri Gallimore, Scott
- Pammachon, A New Sport Remijsen, Sofie
- The Interchange of ι and η in Spelling χριστ- in Documentary Papyri Shandruk, Walter
- Souvenirs papyrologiques d’une excursion à Chicago Martin, Alain
- The Pharanitai in Sinai and in Egypt Mayerson, Philip
- Notes on Papyri
- [Review] Praising Isis in Demotic Dousa, Thomas
- [Review] Die prosopographischen Quellen zum ptolemäischen Tempelpersonal aus philologischer Sicht Vittmann, Günter
- [Review] Willy Clarysse and Dorothy J. Thompson, Counting the People in Hellenistic Egypt Manning, Joe; Scheidel, Walter
- [Review] Csaba A. La'da, Greek Documentary Papyri from Ptolemaic Egypt Verhoogt, Arthur
- [Review] Steve Pasek, Hawara. Eine ägyptische Siedlung in hellenistischer Zeit Cruz-Uribe, Eugene
- [Review] Friedhelm Hoffmann, Martina Minas-Nerpel, Stefan Pfeiffer, Die dreisprachige Stele des C. Cornelius Gallus. Übersetzung und Kommentar Moje, Jan
- [Review] Nikos Litinas, Greek Ostraca from Chersonesos (Ostraca Cretica Chersonesi) Sheridan Moss, Jennifer
- [Review] A. Papathomas, Fünfunddreissig griechische Papyrusbriefe aus der Spätantike Fournet, Jean-Luc
- [Review] S.J. Clackson, It Is Our Father Who Writes: Orders From the Monastery of Apollo at Bawit Peppard, Michael
- [Review] Claudio Gallazzi and Gisèle Hadji-Minaglou, Tebtynis I. La reprise des fouilles et le quartier de la chapelle d’Isis-ThermouthisNevett, Lisa C.
- [Review] Gisèle Hadji-Minaglou, Tebtynis IV. Les habitations à l’est du temple de Soknebtynis Nevett, Lisa C.
- [Review] Vincent Rondot, Tebtynis II. Le temple de Soknebtynis et son dromos Davoli, Paola
- [Review] Nikos Litinas, Tebtynis III: Vessels’ Notations from Tebtynis Sheridan Moss, Jennifer
- [Review] Rosario Pintaudi (ed.), Antinoupolis I Meyer, Carol A.
- [Review] Guglielmo Cavallo and Herwig Maehler, Hellenistic Bookhands Messeri, Gabriella
- [Review] Catling, R.W.V., and F. Marchand (eds.), with the assistance of M. Sasanow, Onomatologos: Studies in Greek Personal Names Presented to Elaine Matthews van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] Hilla Halla-aho, The Non-Literary Latin Letters: A Study of their Syntax and Pragmatics George, Coulter H.
- [Review] Silvia Strassi, L’archivio di Claudius Tiberianus da Karanis Bagnall, Roger S.
- [Review] Sarah J.K. Pearce, The Land of the Body: Studies in Philo’s Representation of Egypt Torallas Tovar, Sofía
- [Review] Peter Arzt-Grabner, Ruth Elisabeth Kritzer, Amphilochios Papathomas, and Franz Winter, with two contributions by Michael Ernst, with the assistance of Günther Schwab and Andreas Bammer,1. Korinther Kloppenborg, John S.
- [Review] David C. Parker, An Introduction to the New Testament Manuscripts and Their Texts Luijendijk, AnneMarie
- [Review] T.J. Kraus, M.J. Kruger, and T. Nicklas, Gospel Fragments Charlesworth, Scott
- [Review] Roger S. Bagnall, Early Christian Books in Egypt Blumell, Lincoln
- [Review] AnneMarie Luijendijk, Greetings in the Lord: Early Christians and the Oxyrhynchus Papyri Choat, Malcolm
- [Review] Roger S. Bagnall and Raffaella Cribiore, Women’s Letters from Ancient Egypt 300 BC-AD 800 Evans Grubbs, Judith
- [Review] Kai Ruffing, Die berufliche Spezialisierung in Handel und Handwerk. Untersuchungen zu ihrer Entwicklung und zu ihren Bedingungen in der römischen Kaiserzeit im östlichen Mittelmeerraum auf der Grundlage griechischer Inschriften und Papyri Rathbone, Dominic
- [Review] Jean-Luc Fournet (ed.), Les archives de Dioscore d’Aphrodité cent ans après leur découverte: histoire et culture dans l’Égypte byzantine MacCoull, Leslie S.B.
- [Review] Jitse H.F. Dijkstra, Philae and the End of Ancient Egyptian Religion: A Regional Study of Religious Transformation (298-642 CE) Wilfong, Terry
- [Books Received]
Volume 48 (2011)
- Six Homeric Papyri from Oxyrhynchus at Columbia University Bartlett, Charles; Boland, Susan; Carpenter, Lauren; Kidd, Stephen; Kuin, Inger; Subacus, Melanie
- Two More Pages of Crosby-Schøyen Codex MS 193: A Pachomian Easter Lectionary? Pietersma, Albert; Comstock, Susan
- Apprenticeship Contract for Carpentry Eckerman, Chris
- Letter from Hermias to Apollon Vergados, Athanassios
- Petition to Appoint an epitropos: A New Document from the Archive of Aurelius Adelphios Boehm, Ryan
- A Byzantine Loan of Money Worp, Klaas A.
- A Marriage-Gift of Part of a Monastery from Byzantine Egypt Combs, Jason Robert
- Receipt from the Holy Church of God at Hermopolis Venticinque, Philip
- The Dossier of Flavia Anastasia, Part One: Document Prescripts Hickey, T.M.; Haug, Brendan J.
- Dreams in Bilingual Papyri from the Ptolemaic Period Kidd, Stephen
- Two Texts of the dioiketes Apollonius Rigsby, Kent J.
- Departure without Saying Goodbye: A Lexicographical Study Clarysse, Willy
- Grenfell and Hunt on the Dates of Early Christian Codices: Setting the Record Straight Nongbri, Brent
- Greek Amulets and Formularies from Egypt Containing Christian Elements: A Checklist of Papyri, Parchments, Ostraka, and Tablets de Bruyn, Theodore S.; Dijkstra, Jitse H.F.
- The Date of the Dendur Foundation Inscription Reconsidered Ochała, Grzegorz
- Notes on Papyri
- [Review] Byzantine Egypt Revisited Azzarello, Giuseppina
- [Review] Holger Kockelmann, Untersuchungen zu den späten Totenbuch-Handschriften auf Mumienbinden. Vol. 1 (in two parts): Die Mumienbinden und Leinenamulette des memphitischen Priesters Hor. Vol. 2: Handbuch zu den Mumienbinden und LeinenamulettenJasnow, Richard
- [Review] Maren Schentuleit and Günter Vittmann, „Du hast mein Herz zufriedengestellt...“ Ptolemäerzeitliche demotische Urkunden aus Soknopaiu Nesos. Monson, Andrew
- [Review] Stanley E. und Wendy J. Porter, New Testament Greek Papyri and Parchments: New Editions Papathomas, Amphilochios
- [Review] Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, Mons Claudianus. Ostraca graeca et latina IV: The Quarry-Texts Papathomas, Amphilochios
- [Review] D. Obbink and N. Gonis (eds.), The Oxyrhynchus Papyri 73 Vergados, Athanassios
- [Review] H. Maehler, C.E. Römer, and R. Hatzilambrou (eds.), The Oxyrhynchus Papyri 75 Sheridan Moss, Jennifer
- [Review] Federico Morelli, L’ archivio di Senouthios anystes e testi connessi. Lettere e documenti per la costruzione di una capitaleKeenan, James G.
- [Review] Anne Boud’hors, James Clackson, Catherine Louis, and Petra Sijpesteijn (eds.), Monastic Estates in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt: Ostraca, Papyri, and Essays in Memory of Sarah Clackson (P.Clackson) MacCoull, L.S.B.
- [Review] Francesca Schironi, From Alexandria to Babylon: Near Eastern Languages and Hellenistic Erudition in the Oxyrhynchus Glossary (P.Oxy. 1802 + 4812) Torallas Tovar, Sofía
- [Review] A. Magnani, Il processo di Isidoro. Roma e Alessandria nel primo secolo Gambetti, Sandra
- [Review] Richard L. Phillips, In Pursuit of Invisibility: Ritual Texts from Late Roman Egypt Schwarz, Sarah L.
- [Review] Franziska Naether, Die Sortes Astrampsychi. Problemlösungsstrategien durch Orakel im römischen Ägypten Clarysse, Willy
- [Review] Jan Krzysztof Winnicki, Late Egypt and Her Neighbours: Foreign Population in Egypt in the First Millennium BC Vittmann, Günter
- [Review] J.G. Manning, The Last Pharaohs: Egypt Under the Ptolemies, 305-30 BC Verhoogt, Arthur
- [Review] Sitta von Reden, Money in Ptolemaic Egypt: From the Macedonian Conquest to the End of the Third Century BC Van Beek, Bart
- [Review] Heinz Heinen, Kleopatra-Studien. Gesammelte Schriften zur ausgehenden Ptolemäerzeit Thompson, Dorothy J.
- [Review] Inge Uytterhoeven, Hawara in the Graeco-Roman Period: Life and Death in a Fayum Village Cruz-Uribe, Eugene
- [Review] Gihane Zaki, Le Premier Nome de Haute-Égypte du IIIe siècle avant J.-C. au VIIe siècle après J.-C. d’après les sources hiéroglyphiques des temples ptolémaïques et romains. Dijkstra, Jitse H.F.
- [Review] Leslie S.B. MacCoull. Coptic Legal Documents: Law as Vernacular Text and Experience in Late Antique Egypt Peppard, Michael
- [Books Received]
- American Studies in Papyrology
Volume 49 (2012)
- A New Epic Fragment on Achilles’ Helmet? Sampson, C. Michael
- An Addition and Multiplication Table Litinas, Nikos; Bay, Stephen M.
- Two More Fragments of the Vienna Jannes and Jambres Pietersma, Albert
- A Greek Christian Liturgical Hymn (P.CtYBR inv. 1584A) Gampel, Alan; Grassien, Céline
- Instructions for Islamic Prayer from the Second Century AH/Eighth Century CE Malczycki, W. Matt
- A Temple Declaration from Early Roman Egypt Eckerman, Chris
- Payment of a Financial Obligation from Tebtynis Nocchi Macedo, Gabriel
- A sitologos Receipt from Roman Tebtynis Hoffman, Jesse E.
- Letter from a Soldier in Pannonia Adamson, Grant
- An Epikrisis Document from Oxyrhynchus (P.Mich. inv. 261) Leon, Daniel W.
- A Third-Century CE List of Wine from Five Estates Terpstra, Taco
- Des nouvelles de Paniskos Heilporn, Paul
- A Cancellation of a Contract of Debt from Hermopolis Connor, Andrew
- Receipt for embole from Aphrodito Keenan, James G.
- A Contract for the Advanced Sale of Wine Gallimore, Scott
- Deux ordres du supérieur du monastère de Baouît Delattre, Alain
- Missing Papyri: The Greek and Coptic Papyri in the von Scherling Papyrus Collection Worp, Klaas A.; Dekker, Renate
- The Oxyrhynchus Distributions in America: Papyri and Ethics Johnson, William A.
- Notes on Various Texts Preserved on Papyrus Ioannidou, Grace; Polemis, Ioannis
- Notes on Five Herodotean Papyri Mirończuk, Andrzej
- One More Footnote to “Two More Pages” Pietersma, Albert; Comstock, Susan
- Per la data di P.Golenischev della “Cronaca universale alessandrina” Cavallo, Guglielmo
- Three Fragments from a Coptic Codex of the Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles Suciu, Alin
- The Authorship of P.Cair.Zen. 3.59308 Evans, Trevor
- New Light on the Hawara Undertakers P.Ryl. 4.587 and 588 and the Expression of Identity in Ptolemaic Egypt Coussement, Sandra
- PSI 4.311: Early Evidence for “Arianism” at Oxyrhynchus? Blumell, Lincoln H.
- Freight Charges in SB 18.13948 Worp, K.A.
- Notes on Papyri
- [Review] ,,... vor dem Papyrus sind alle gleich!“ Papyrologische Beiträge zu Ehren von Bärbel Kramer (P. Kramer) van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] “Festschrift für Günter Poethke zum 70. Geburtstag,” Archiv für Papyrusforschung 55 (2009) Heft 2 van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] N. Gonis and D. Colomo (eds.), The Oxyrhynchus Papyri 72 Lundon, John
- [Review] Paul Heilporn, Thèbes et ses taxes. Recherches sur la fiscalité en Égypte romaine (Ostraca de Strasbourg II) van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] Thomas J. Kraus and Tobias Nicklas (eds.), Early Christian Manuscripts: Examples of Applied Method and Approach Smith, Geoffrey S.
- [Review] Karlheinz Schüssler (ed.), Biblia Coptica, die koptischen Bibeltexte, Vol. 4, fasc. 3 (sa 673–720) Askeland, Christian
- [Review] Roger S. Bagnall, Everyday Writing in the Graeco-Roman East Johnson, William A.
- [Review] Bernard Legras, Les reclus grecs du Sarapieion de Memphis. Une enquête sur l’hellénisme égyptien Vierros, Marja
- [Review] Robert W. Daniel, Architectural Orientation in the Papyri Benaissa, Amin
- [Review] Michael Sabottka, Das Serapeum in Alexandria. Untersuchungen zur Architektur und Baugeschichte des Heiligtums von der frühen ptolemäischen Zeit bis zur Zerstörung 391 n. Chr. Dijkstra, Jitse H.F.
- [Review] Steven E. Sidebotham, Berenike and the Ancient Maritime Spice Route Meyer, Carol
- [Review] Richard J.A. Talbert, Rome’s World: The Peutinger Map Reconsidered Weber, Ekkehard
- [Review] Ewa Wipszycka, Moines et communautés monastiques en Égypte (IVe-VIIIe siècles) van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] Eva Mira Grob, Documentary Arabic Private and Business Letters on Papyrus: Form and Function, Content and ContextYounes, Khaled M.
- Books Received
Volume 50 (2013)
- P.Oxy. 4.755 descr. – a Homeric Papyrus at Princeton (Iliad 5.130-174) Mirończuk, Andrzej
- Greek von Scherling Papyri in Leiden Worp, Klaas A.
- Zwei Aufträge zur Ausstellung von Kopfsteuerquittungen Hagedorn, Dieter
- Penthemeros Certificates from the Granary C123, Karanis Claytor, W. Graham
- A Schedule of Contracts and a Private Letter: P.Fay. 344 Claytor, W. Graham
- P.Tebt. 2.562: Conclusion of a Report of Proceedings Coughlan, Taylor
- A Loan of Wheat Ullucci, Daniel
- Guarding Grapes in Roman Egypt (P.Mich. inv. 438) Helms, Kyle
- The Mysterion of P.Mich. inv. 4061 Sampson, C. Michael
- P.Corn. inv. 127: Letter Seeking Capture and Rendition of Runaway ταρσικάριοι McConnell, Ryan E.
- Receipt from Alexandros to Anoubion Sampson, C. Michael
- A Coptic Letter Referring to the Bishop of Babylon Westerfeld, Jennifer
- A Bawit Fragment in Phoenix MacCoull, Leslie S.B.
- Deux papyrus coptes et une inscription grecque du Monastère Blanc Delattre, Alain
- Attestations of ἡ κοινή in BKT 10.4 (Hom. Od. 15.531-553 with marginal annotations) Haslam, Michael
- The Earliest Corrections in Codex Sinaiticus: A Test Case from the Gospel of Mark Malik, Peter
- “Goldfinger” on a Leiden Mummy Label? Hernández, Raquel Martín; Worp, Klaas A.
- Chrysos Bourdonon: SB 16.12828 Revisited Bagnall, Roger S.; Worp, Klaas A.
- Natural Resources in Roman Egypt: Extraction, Transport, and Administration Adams, Colin
- Notes on Papyri
- [Review] Sur un nouveau manuel de paléographie des papyrus documentaires grecs Fournet, Jean-Luc
- [Review] Philodemus, On Death, translated with an introduction and notes by W. Benjamin Henry Tsouna, Voula
- [Review] Lutz Popko, Nadine Quenouille, and Michaela Rücker (eds.), Von Sklaven, Pächtern und Politikern. Beiträge zum Alltag in Ägypten, Griechenland und Rom. Δουλικὰ ἔργα zu Ehren von Reinhold Scholl. Archiv für Papyrusforschung, Beiheft 33 van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] V. Bartoletti, G. Bastianini, G. Messeri, F. Montanari, and R. Pintaudi, Papiri greci e latini 15 Parca, Maryline
- [Review] Hélène Cadell, Willy Clarysse, and Kennokka Robic, Papyrus de la Sorbonne (P.Sorb. III nos 70-144). Papyrologica Parisina [1]van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] Jan Bazant, Hermann Harrauer, and Rosario Pintaudi (eds.), “Papyrologica III,” Eirene 46 (2010) 5-149 van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] S. Gaffino Moeri, S. Gällnö, N. Poget, and P. Schubert, Les Papyrus de Genève van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] Rodney Ast, Late Antique Greek Papyri in the Collection of the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (P. Jena II). Papyrologische Texte und Abhandlungen 45 van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] Günter Poethke, Sebastian Prignitz, and Veit Vaelske, Das Aktenbuch des Aurelios Philammon. Prozessberichte, Annona militaris und Magie in BGU IV 1024-1027. Archiv für Papyrusforschung, Beiheft 34 van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] Jitse H.F. Dijkstra, Syene I: The Figural and Textual Graffiti from the Temple of Isis at Aswan, with a contribution on the Egyptian texts by E. Cruz-Uribe. Beiträge zur ägyptischen Bauforschung und Altertumskunde 18 Vleeming, Sven P.
- [Review] T.V. Evans and D.D. Obbink (eds.), The Language of the Papyri van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] Marja Vierros, Bilingual Notaries in Hellenistic Egypt: A Study of Greek as a Second Language. Collectanea Hellenistica 5George, Coulter
- [Review] Charikleia Armoni, Studien zur Verwaltung des Ptolemäischen Ägypten. Das Amt des Basilikos Grammateus. Papyrologica Coloniensia 36 Monson, Andrew
- [Review] Andrew T. Wilburn, Materia Magica: The Archaeology of Magic in Roman Egypt, Cyprus, and Spain Sanzo, Joseph E.
- Books Received
- American Studies in Papyrology
Volume 51 (2014)
- American Society of Papyrologists
- A Homeric Papyrus from Tebtynis Wayment, Thomas A.; Becerra, Daniel
- A Homeric Papyrus at Yale Mirończuk, Andrzej
- A Homeric Papyrus from Oxyrhynchus Oppen, Simone
- A Letter from Harpalos and Sarapion(?) Jones, Brice C.
- A Loan of Money with Interest Katz, Philip
- An Assessment from Karanis Sampson, C. Michael
- A Letter Ordering the Release of a Prisoner Bay, Stephen M.
- Bacchylides Fr. 60 M. and the Kassandra Hadjimichael, Theodora A.
- Artabas of Grain or Artabas of Grains? Clarysse, Willy
- Noms doubles et prosopographie ombite Colin, Frédéric
- Late Ptolemaic Capitation Taxes and the Poll Tax in Roman Egypt Monson, Andrew
- Recognizing Greek Literacy in Early Roman Documents from the Judaean Desert Charlesworth, Scott D.
- Notes on Papyri
- Christian Inscriptions from Egypt and Nubia 1 (2013) Delattre, Alain; Dijkstra, Jitse; van der Vliet, Jacques
- [Review] Locating Arabic Papyrology: Fiscal Politics in Medieval Egypt as a Test-Case for Setting Disciplinary Boundaries and Standards Sijpesteijn, Petra M.
- [Review] Bronze Coins from Excavations in Alexandria Meadows, Andrew
- [Review] Andrew Monson, Agriculture and Taxation in Early Ptolemaic Egypt: Demotic Land Surveys and Accounts (P. Agri) Muhs, Brian
- [Review] Charikleia Armoni, Das Archiv der Taricheuten Amenneus und Onnophris aus Tanis (P.Tarich.) van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] K. Maresch, Ptolemäische Bankpapyri aus dem Herakleopolites (P.Herakl. Bank). Papyri der Sammlungen in Heidelberg, Köln und Wien Vandorpe, Katelijn
- [Review] Wolfgang Habermann (ed.), Die badischen Grabungen in Qarâra und el-Hibeh 1913 und 1914. Wissenschaftsgeschichtliche und papyrologische Beiträge (P. Heid. X) van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] S.R. Llewelyn and J.R. Harrison (eds.), New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity: A Review of the Greek and Other Inscriptions and Papyri Published Between 1988 and 1992 Blumell, Lincoln H.
- [Review] Andrew Monson, From the Ptolemies to the Romans: Political and Economic Change in Egypt Verhoogt, Arthur
- [Review] Ari Z. Bryen, Violence in Roman Egypt: A Study in Legal Interpretation van Minnen, Peter
- [Review] Giuseppina Azzarello. Il dossier della “domus divina” in Egitto Keenan, James G.
- [Review] Grzegorz Ochała, Chronological Systems of Christian Nubia Dijkstra, Jitse H.F.
- Books Received
- Papyrological Summer Institutes Reports, 2008-2012
- Word Index to BASP 43-50 van Minnen, Peter
- American Studies in Papyrology
Volume 52 (2015)
In Memoriam Leslie S.B. MacCoull
Roger S. Bagnall and James G. Keenan 5
A Hexameter Fragment in the Beinecke Library
Mark de Kreij 7
Letter about pentarouroi machimoi (and Another Ptolemaic Text)
Nicola Reggiani 15
School and Documentary Texts from Kharga Oasis at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Michael Zellmann-Rohrer 27
Papontos and the Hermaion Amphodon of Oxyrhynchus
Brice C. Jones 39
List of Payments (P.Mich. inv. 3935a)
Jaclyn Neel 45
(note that it should be διπλᾶ where it says διπλῆ)
A Labor Contract from the Dossier of Flavius Eulogius and His Descendants
C. Michael Sampson 59
A Byzantine Monastic Letter at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Michael Zellmann-Rohrer 69
Un contrat de prêt copte du monastère d’apa Apollô à Baouît conservé à la collection Palau-Ribes
María Jesús Albarrán Martínez et Alain Delattre 79
Papyri, Archaeology, and Modern History: A Contextual Study of the Beginnings of Papyrology and Egyptology
Paola Davoli 87
Papyri, Ethics, and Economics: A Biography of P.Oxy. 15.1780 (𝔓39)
Roberta Mazza 113
A Michigan Musical Papyrus Revisited
Rebecca Ann Sears 143
P.Grenf. 1.5, Origen, and the Scriptorium of Caesarea
Francesca Schironi 181
Evaluating Scribal Freedom and Fidelity: Number-Writing Techniques in Codex Washingtonianus (W 032)
Zachary J. Cole 225
A Contribution to the Revenues of the Crocodile in the Imperial Fayum: The Temple Tax on Property Transfer Revisited
Andreas Winkler 239
The Woeful Adventures of a Small Greek Papyrus from Elephantine
Eddy Lanciers 265
The Prefecture of Caecilius Consultius
Caillan Davenport 275
Notes on Papyri
(Andrew Connor, Dieter Hagedorn, James G. Keenan, and Nikos Litinas) 283
Christian Inscriptions from Egypt and Nubia 2 (2014)
Alain Delattre, Jitse Dijkstra, and Jacques van der Vliet 297
Review Article
New Light on a Dark Corner of the Hermopolite Nome
Peter van Minnen 315
Sofía Torallas Tovar and Klaas A. Worp, with the collaboration of Alberto Nodar and María Victoria Spottorno, Greek Papyri from Montserrat
(Peter van Minnen) 325
Andrea Jördens (ed.), Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten, Achtundzwanzigster Band
(Arthur Verhoogt) 329
J.D. Ray, Demotic Ostraca and Other Inscriptions from the Sacred Animal Necropolis, North Saqqara
(Koen Donker van Heel) 331
Brian P. Muhs, Receipts, Scribes, and Collectors in Early Ptolemaic Thebes
(J.G. Manning) 335
Suzana Hodak, Tonio Sebastian Richter, and Frank Steinmann (eds.), Coptica. Koptische Ostraka und Papyri, koptische und griechische Grabstelen aus Ägypten und Nubien, spätantike Bauplastik, Textilien und Keramik
(Jennifer Cromwell) 337
G. Bastianini and A. Casanova (eds.), I Papiri di Eschilo e di Sofocle. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze 14-15 giugno 2012
(Francesca Schironi) 351
Voula Tsouna, Philodemus on Property Management
(Richard Janko) 355
Anne-Emmanuelle Veïsse and Stéphanie Wackenier (eds.), L’ armée en Égypte aux époques perse, ptolémaïque et romaine
(Arthur Verhoogt) 359
Kostas Buraselis, Mary Stefanou, and Dorothy J. Thompson (eds.), The Ptolemies, the Sea and the Nile: Studies in Waterborne Power
(Ian S. Moyer) 363
John Bauschatz, Law and Enforcement in Ptolemaic Egypt
(Ari Z. Bryen) 369
Philippa Lang, Medicine and Society in Ptolemaic Egypt
(Susan A. Stephens) 375
Sabine R. Huebner, The Family in Roman Egypt: A Comparative Approach to Intergenerational Solidarity and Conflict
(Jennifer Sheridan Moss) 379
Books Received 381
American Studies in Papyrology 383
Roger S. Bagnall and James G. Keenan 5
A Hexameter Fragment in the Beinecke Library
Mark de Kreij 7
Letter about pentarouroi machimoi (and Another Ptolemaic Text)
Nicola Reggiani 15
School and Documentary Texts from Kharga Oasis at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Michael Zellmann-Rohrer 27
Papontos and the Hermaion Amphodon of Oxyrhynchus
Brice C. Jones 39
List of Payments (P.Mich. inv. 3935a)
Jaclyn Neel 45
(note that it should be διπλᾶ where it says διπλῆ)
A Labor Contract from the Dossier of Flavius Eulogius and His Descendants
C. Michael Sampson 59
A Byzantine Monastic Letter at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Michael Zellmann-Rohrer 69
Un contrat de prêt copte du monastère d’apa Apollô à Baouît conservé à la collection Palau-Ribes
María Jesús Albarrán Martínez et Alain Delattre 79
Papyri, Archaeology, and Modern History: A Contextual Study of the Beginnings of Papyrology and Egyptology
Paola Davoli 87
Papyri, Ethics, and Economics: A Biography of P.Oxy. 15.1780 (𝔓39)
Roberta Mazza 113
A Michigan Musical Papyrus Revisited
Rebecca Ann Sears 143
P.Grenf. 1.5, Origen, and the Scriptorium of Caesarea
Francesca Schironi 181
Evaluating Scribal Freedom and Fidelity: Number-Writing Techniques in Codex Washingtonianus (W 032)
Zachary J. Cole 225
A Contribution to the Revenues of the Crocodile in the Imperial Fayum: The Temple Tax on Property Transfer Revisited
Andreas Winkler 239
The Woeful Adventures of a Small Greek Papyrus from Elephantine
Eddy Lanciers 265
The Prefecture of Caecilius Consultius
Caillan Davenport 275
Notes on Papyri
(Andrew Connor, Dieter Hagedorn, James G. Keenan, and Nikos Litinas) 283
Christian Inscriptions from Egypt and Nubia 2 (2014)
Alain Delattre, Jitse Dijkstra, and Jacques van der Vliet 297
Review Article
New Light on a Dark Corner of the Hermopolite Nome
Peter van Minnen 315
Sofía Torallas Tovar and Klaas A. Worp, with the collaboration of Alberto Nodar and María Victoria Spottorno, Greek Papyri from Montserrat
(Peter van Minnen) 325
Andrea Jördens (ed.), Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten, Achtundzwanzigster Band
(Arthur Verhoogt) 329
J.D. Ray, Demotic Ostraca and Other Inscriptions from the Sacred Animal Necropolis, North Saqqara
(Koen Donker van Heel) 331
Brian P. Muhs, Receipts, Scribes, and Collectors in Early Ptolemaic Thebes
(J.G. Manning) 335
Suzana Hodak, Tonio Sebastian Richter, and Frank Steinmann (eds.), Coptica. Koptische Ostraka und Papyri, koptische und griechische Grabstelen aus Ägypten und Nubien, spätantike Bauplastik, Textilien und Keramik
(Jennifer Cromwell) 337
G. Bastianini and A. Casanova (eds.), I Papiri di Eschilo e di Sofocle. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze 14-15 giugno 2012
(Francesca Schironi) 351
Voula Tsouna, Philodemus on Property Management
(Richard Janko) 355
Anne-Emmanuelle Veïsse and Stéphanie Wackenier (eds.), L’ armée en Égypte aux époques perse, ptolémaïque et romaine
(Arthur Verhoogt) 359
Kostas Buraselis, Mary Stefanou, and Dorothy J. Thompson (eds.), The Ptolemies, the Sea and the Nile: Studies in Waterborne Power
(Ian S. Moyer) 363
John Bauschatz, Law and Enforcement in Ptolemaic Egypt
(Ari Z. Bryen) 369
Philippa Lang, Medicine and Society in Ptolemaic Egypt
(Susan A. Stephens) 375
Sabine R. Huebner, The Family in Roman Egypt: A Comparative Approach to Intergenerational Solidarity and Conflict
(Jennifer Sheridan Moss) 379
Books Received 381
American Studies in Papyrology 383
Volume 53 (2016)
Homeric and Pharmacologic Medical Recipes in a Greek Papyrus Formulary
Michael Zellmann-Rohrer........................................................................................5
Drei neue ptolemäische Papyri und das Amtsarchiv des Demetrios
Matthias Stern........................................................................................................ 17
Three Unpublished von Scherling Texts in the McGill University Library
Brice C. Jones.......................................................................................................... 53
New von Scherling Papyri in Uppsala
Klaas A. Worp........................................................................................................ 61
Labor Contracts from the Harthotes Archive
W. Graham Claytor, Nikos Litinas, and Elizabeth Nabney................................ 79
Four Poll Tax Receipts on Papyrus from the Early Roman Fayum
W. Graham Claytor, Richard G. Warga, and Zachary Smith.......................... 121
A Private Letter in the Beinecke Collection
Jennifer Weintritt.................................................................................................. 145
Fünf neue griechische Brieffragmente aus Bonn
Fritz Mitthof and Amphilochios Papathomas.................................................... 149
Packing List of a Katholikos
Philip F. Venticinque............................................................................................ 175
Villages, Requisitions, and Tax Districts: Two Greek Lists from the Eighth- Century Fayyūm
Lajos Berkes and Brendan Haug......................................................................... 189
A New Coptic Epitaph from the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology
Lincoln H. Blumell and Erik O. Yingling............................................................ 223
Un nouveau sauf-conduit du monastère d’Apa Jeremias à Saqqara?
Perrine Pilette and Naïm Vanthieghem............................................................. 233
Two Arabic Papyrus Documents Relating to Payments in Kind
Khaled Younes...................................................................................................... 239
A History of the Theban Magical Library
Korshi Dosoo...................................................................................................... 251
Some Remarks on O.Frangé 751
Anastasia Maravela.............................................................................................. 275
Some Corrections to Ptolemaic Petitions and Related Documents
Gert Baetens.......................................................................................................... 283
Detecting Settlement Communities in Graeco-Roman Egypt
Yanne Broux.......................................................................................................... 295
Additions to the Philosarapis Archive: The Contribution of Women to the Family’s Wealth
Jane Rowlandson.................................................................................................. 315
More Land, More Production, or More Taxes? Growth and the Apion Estate
Ryan McConnell................................................................................................... 355
Notes on Papyri
Johannes Diethart, Peter van Minnen, Naïm Vanthieghem, and Klaas A. Worp............................................................................................................ 367
Christian Inscriptions from Egypt and Nubia 3 (2015)
Alain Delattre, Jitse Dijkstra, and Jacques van der Vliet.................................. 377
Review Article
The Ptolemaic Army and Egyptian Society: From Invasion to Integration
Hans Hauben........................................................................................................ 395
Sandra Luisa Lippert and Martin Andreas Stadler (eds.), Gehilfe des Thot. Festschrift für Karl-Theodor Zauzich zu seinem 75. Geburtstag
(Koen Donker van Heel).................................................................................... 411
Michael Gronewald, John Lundon, Klaus Maresch, Gesa Schenke, and Philipp Schmitz, Kölner Papyri (P. Köln), Band 13
(Marja Vierros).................................................................................................... 415
Mohamed Gaber El-Maghrabi and Cornelia Römer (eds.), Texts from the “Archive” of Socrates, the Tax Collector, and Other Contexts at Karanis
(Peter van Minnen)............................................................................................. 419
R.P. Salomons, P. Cair. Preis.2
(Francisca A.J. Hoogendijk)............................................................................... 421
Kevin W. Wilkinson, New Epigrams of Palladas
(Amphilochios Papathomas)............................................................................. 425
Alain Delattre and Sarah J. Clackson, Papyrus grecs et coptes de Baouît conservés au Musée du Louvre
(Lajos Berkes)....................................................................................................... 429
Anne Boud’hors, Alain Delattre, Catherine Louis, and Tonio Sebastian Richter (eds.), Coptica Argentoratensia
(Jennifer Cromwell)............................................................................................ 433
James M. Robinson, The Manichaean Codices of Medinet Madi
(Brent Nongbri)................................................................................................... 439
Joseph E. Sanzo, Scriptural Incipits on Amulets from Late Antique Egypt
(Roxanne Bélanger-Sarrazin and Jitse H.F. Dijkstra)..................................... 443
Carolin Arlt and Martin Andreas Stadler (eds.), Das Fayyûm in Hellenismus und Kaiserzeit
(Brendan Haug)................................................................................................... 447
Books Received............................................................................................................ 453
American Studies in Papyrology............................................................................... 455
Michael Zellmann-Rohrer........................................................................................5
Drei neue ptolemäische Papyri und das Amtsarchiv des Demetrios
Matthias Stern........................................................................................................ 17
Three Unpublished von Scherling Texts in the McGill University Library
Brice C. Jones.......................................................................................................... 53
New von Scherling Papyri in Uppsala
Klaas A. Worp........................................................................................................ 61
Labor Contracts from the Harthotes Archive
W. Graham Claytor, Nikos Litinas, and Elizabeth Nabney................................ 79
Four Poll Tax Receipts on Papyrus from the Early Roman Fayum
W. Graham Claytor, Richard G. Warga, and Zachary Smith.......................... 121
A Private Letter in the Beinecke Collection
Jennifer Weintritt.................................................................................................. 145
Fünf neue griechische Brieffragmente aus Bonn
Fritz Mitthof and Amphilochios Papathomas.................................................... 149
Packing List of a Katholikos
Philip F. Venticinque............................................................................................ 175
Villages, Requisitions, and Tax Districts: Two Greek Lists from the Eighth- Century Fayyūm
Lajos Berkes and Brendan Haug......................................................................... 189
A New Coptic Epitaph from the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology
Lincoln H. Blumell and Erik O. Yingling............................................................ 223
Un nouveau sauf-conduit du monastère d’Apa Jeremias à Saqqara?
Perrine Pilette and Naïm Vanthieghem............................................................. 233
Two Arabic Papyrus Documents Relating to Payments in Kind
Khaled Younes...................................................................................................... 239
A History of the Theban Magical Library
Korshi Dosoo...................................................................................................... 251
Some Remarks on O.Frangé 751
Anastasia Maravela.............................................................................................. 275
Some Corrections to Ptolemaic Petitions and Related Documents
Gert Baetens.......................................................................................................... 283
Detecting Settlement Communities in Graeco-Roman Egypt
Yanne Broux.......................................................................................................... 295
Additions to the Philosarapis Archive: The Contribution of Women to the Family’s Wealth
Jane Rowlandson.................................................................................................. 315
More Land, More Production, or More Taxes? Growth and the Apion Estate
Ryan McConnell................................................................................................... 355
Notes on Papyri
Johannes Diethart, Peter van Minnen, Naïm Vanthieghem, and Klaas A. Worp............................................................................................................ 367
Christian Inscriptions from Egypt and Nubia 3 (2015)
Alain Delattre, Jitse Dijkstra, and Jacques van der Vliet.................................. 377
Review Article
The Ptolemaic Army and Egyptian Society: From Invasion to Integration
Hans Hauben........................................................................................................ 395
Sandra Luisa Lippert and Martin Andreas Stadler (eds.), Gehilfe des Thot. Festschrift für Karl-Theodor Zauzich zu seinem 75. Geburtstag
(Koen Donker van Heel).................................................................................... 411
Michael Gronewald, John Lundon, Klaus Maresch, Gesa Schenke, and Philipp Schmitz, Kölner Papyri (P. Köln), Band 13
(Marja Vierros).................................................................................................... 415
Mohamed Gaber El-Maghrabi and Cornelia Römer (eds.), Texts from the “Archive” of Socrates, the Tax Collector, and Other Contexts at Karanis
(Peter van Minnen)............................................................................................. 419
R.P. Salomons, P. Cair. Preis.2
(Francisca A.J. Hoogendijk)............................................................................... 421
Kevin W. Wilkinson, New Epigrams of Palladas
(Amphilochios Papathomas)............................................................................. 425
Alain Delattre and Sarah J. Clackson, Papyrus grecs et coptes de Baouît conservés au Musée du Louvre
(Lajos Berkes)....................................................................................................... 429
Anne Boud’hors, Alain Delattre, Catherine Louis, and Tonio Sebastian Richter (eds.), Coptica Argentoratensia
(Jennifer Cromwell)............................................................................................ 433
James M. Robinson, The Manichaean Codices of Medinet Madi
(Brent Nongbri)................................................................................................... 439
Joseph E. Sanzo, Scriptural Incipits on Amulets from Late Antique Egypt
(Roxanne Bélanger-Sarrazin and Jitse H.F. Dijkstra)..................................... 443
Carolin Arlt and Martin Andreas Stadler (eds.), Das Fayyûm in Hellenismus und Kaiserzeit
(Brendan Haug)................................................................................................... 447
Books Received............................................................................................................ 453
American Studies in Papyrology............................................................................... 455
volume 54 (2017)
Philip Mayerson (1918-2016)
Roger S. Bagnall 7
Scholia Minora to Iliad 2.212-225 and 272-295
Livia Tagliapietra 9
An Amulet Containing Acts 9:1
Lincoln H. Blumell 31
New Fragments of the Amnesty Decree of October 9, 186 BCE
Alba de Frutos García and Sofía Torallas Tovar 45
Five Penthemeros Certificates from the Cairo Museum
Eman A. Abd-Elhady, Usama Gad, and Cassandre Hartenstein 59
More Penthemeros Certificates from Karanis
W. Graham Claytor 83
An Erik von Scherling Papyrus in Copenhagen
Klaas A. Worp 103
Beginning of a Letter of the Acting Prefect Mussius Aemilianus
Cisca Hoogendijk 113
An Orchard Lease from the Reign of Heraclius
Guus A.J.C. van Loon 127
Five Tax Receipts from Djeme in the Collection of Columbia University
Jennifer Cromwell 143
Deux quittances de loyer pour un four
Mathieu Tillier et Naïm Vanthieghem 157
Manufacture of Black Ink in the Ancient Mediterranean
Thomas Christiansen 167
Two B Scribes in Codex Sinaiticus?
Dan Batovici 197
The Crocodile Pit of Maabdeh, Florence Nightingale, and the British Museum’s Acquisition of the Harris Homers
Brent Nongbri 207
Grenfell and Hunt in the Fayyūm: Two Letters to J. Gilbart Smyly
Todd M. Hickey 19
P.Oxy. 24.2408: A Revised Edition
James G. Keenan 237
Notes on Three Cairo Maspero Papyri (67054, 67057, 67126)
James G. Keenan 249
Notes on Papyri
PSI 12.1230
Peter van Minnen 255
The Earliest Papyrological Attestation of the Emperor Decius
Klaas A. Worp 257
Christian Inscriptions from Egypt and Nubia 4 (2016)
Alain Delattre, Jitse Dijkstra, and Jacques van der Vliet 261
Guido Bastianini, Francesca Maltomini, Gabriella Messeri (eds.), Papiri della Società Italiana, volume sedicesimo (PSI XVI) ni 1575-1653
(Athanassios Vergados) 287
Iain Gardner, Anthony Alcock and Wolf-Peter Funk, Coptic Documentary Texts from Kellis, Volume 2: P. Kellis VII (P. Kellis Copt. 57-131)
(Michael Peppard) 295
Malcolm Choat and Iain Gardner, The Macquarie Papyri I: A Coptic Handbook of Ritual Power (P. Macq. I 1)
(Lincoln H. Blumell) 298
James G. Keenan, J.G. Manning, and Uri Yiftach-Firanko (eds.), Law and Legal Practice in Egypt from Alexander to the Arab Conquest
(W. Graham Claytor) 301
Lincoln H. Blumell and Thomas A. Wayment, Christian Oxyrhynchus: Texts, Documents, and Sources
(Roberta Mazza) 309
Yanne Broux, Double Names and Elite Strategy in Roman Egypt
(Roger S. Bagnall) 313
Stefanie Schmidt, Stadt und Wirtschaft im römischen Ägypten. Die Finanzen der Gaumetropolen
(Dominic Rathbone) 316
Katherine Blouin, Triangular Landscapes: Environment, Society, and the State in the Nile Delta under Roman Rule
(Arthur Verhoogt) 319
John Gaudet, Papyrus: The Plant that Changed the World
(Johannes Foufopoulos) 322
Books Received 325
Ludwig Koenen Fellowship for Training in Papyrology 327
American Studies in Papyrology 329
Roger S. Bagnall 7
Scholia Minora to Iliad 2.212-225 and 272-295
Livia Tagliapietra 9
An Amulet Containing Acts 9:1
Lincoln H. Blumell 31
New Fragments of the Amnesty Decree of October 9, 186 BCE
Alba de Frutos García and Sofía Torallas Tovar 45
Five Penthemeros Certificates from the Cairo Museum
Eman A. Abd-Elhady, Usama Gad, and Cassandre Hartenstein 59
More Penthemeros Certificates from Karanis
W. Graham Claytor 83
An Erik von Scherling Papyrus in Copenhagen
Klaas A. Worp 103
Beginning of a Letter of the Acting Prefect Mussius Aemilianus
Cisca Hoogendijk 113
An Orchard Lease from the Reign of Heraclius
Guus A.J.C. van Loon 127
Five Tax Receipts from Djeme in the Collection of Columbia University
Jennifer Cromwell 143
Deux quittances de loyer pour un four
Mathieu Tillier et Naïm Vanthieghem 157
Manufacture of Black Ink in the Ancient Mediterranean
Thomas Christiansen 167
Two B Scribes in Codex Sinaiticus?
Dan Batovici 197
The Crocodile Pit of Maabdeh, Florence Nightingale, and the British Museum’s Acquisition of the Harris Homers
Brent Nongbri 207
Grenfell and Hunt in the Fayyūm: Two Letters to J. Gilbart Smyly
Todd M. Hickey 19
P.Oxy. 24.2408: A Revised Edition
James G. Keenan 237
Notes on Three Cairo Maspero Papyri (67054, 67057, 67126)
James G. Keenan 249
Notes on Papyri
PSI 12.1230
Peter van Minnen 255
The Earliest Papyrological Attestation of the Emperor Decius
Klaas A. Worp 257
Christian Inscriptions from Egypt and Nubia 4 (2016)
Alain Delattre, Jitse Dijkstra, and Jacques van der Vliet 261
Guido Bastianini, Francesca Maltomini, Gabriella Messeri (eds.), Papiri della Società Italiana, volume sedicesimo (PSI XVI) ni 1575-1653
(Athanassios Vergados) 287
Iain Gardner, Anthony Alcock and Wolf-Peter Funk, Coptic Documentary Texts from Kellis, Volume 2: P. Kellis VII (P. Kellis Copt. 57-131)
(Michael Peppard) 295
Malcolm Choat and Iain Gardner, The Macquarie Papyri I: A Coptic Handbook of Ritual Power (P. Macq. I 1)
(Lincoln H. Blumell) 298
James G. Keenan, J.G. Manning, and Uri Yiftach-Firanko (eds.), Law and Legal Practice in Egypt from Alexander to the Arab Conquest
(W. Graham Claytor) 301
Lincoln H. Blumell and Thomas A. Wayment, Christian Oxyrhynchus: Texts, Documents, and Sources
(Roberta Mazza) 309
Yanne Broux, Double Names and Elite Strategy in Roman Egypt
(Roger S. Bagnall) 313
Stefanie Schmidt, Stadt und Wirtschaft im römischen Ägypten. Die Finanzen der Gaumetropolen
(Dominic Rathbone) 316
Katherine Blouin, Triangular Landscapes: Environment, Society, and the State in the Nile Delta under Roman Rule
(Arthur Verhoogt) 319
John Gaudet, Papyrus: The Plant that Changed the World
(Johannes Foufopoulos) 322
Books Received 325
Ludwig Koenen Fellowship for Training in Papyrology 327
American Studies in Papyrology 329
Volume 55 (2018)
Thucydides, Historiae 2.62.5-63.2 (P.Mich. inv. 5413 (a) Front; TM No. 131625)
Clara Bosak-Schroeder and Arthur Verhoogt 7
A New Christian Text Concerning the Lord Driving out Passions
Brice C. Jones and Ross P. Ponder 13
An Early Second Century BCE Account of Payments
Andrew Connor 21
P.CtYBR inv. 1233: Contract from Oxyrhynchus Issued by a Woman
Chance Bonar 39
Another Letter from Antonius Longus to His Mother Nilous
Lincoln H. Blumell, Emily Cole, and Willeke Wendrich 45
A Syriac Letter Reused for a Greek Tax Receipt from the Early Islamic Period
Tiggy McLaughlin and Lajos Berkes 59
P.Oxy. 24.2401 and the History of Terence’s Text in Antiquity
Gabriele Nocchi Macedo 71
Dating Philodemus’ Birth and Early Studies
Kilian Fleischer 119
A Critical Assessment of the Anonymus Londiniensis Papyrus
Jordi Crespo Saumell 129
The Textual Affinities of Sinaiticus’ Correctors in 2 Esdras
Pete Myers 157
An Overlooked Magical Formulary (P.Oxy. 3.433)
Michael Zellmann-Rohrer 195
Notes on Ptolemaic Texts
Demokritos Kaltsas 211
New Editions of Two Rent Receipts from the Archive of Mikkalos
W. Graham Claytor and Mohamed G. Elmaghrabi 219
Mouchis and Its Crocodiles: Topography, Toponymy, and Theonymy
Andreas Winkler 229
Warrants: Some Further Considerations on Their Typology
Paul Schubert 253
Bringing Together the Family for a Daughter’s Wedding: P.Yale 1.78 Reconsidered
Anastasia Maravela and Joanne Vera Stolk 275
L’esprit de l’escalier: The Term ἀναβατηρία in the Papyri
Andrew Connor 281
Notes on Papyri
Two Notes on Greek Liturgical Texts from Egypt
Peter van Minnen 289
P.Bingen 45 Revisited
Peter van Minnen 292
Κόροι, σάτα and κάβοι in P.Mur. 97
Michaël Girardin 294
Two Accounts with “Minus Carats” Figures
Nikolaos Gonis 297
SB 14.12098: Another “Curious Prescript”
Nikolaos Gonis 301
P.Oxy. 18.2195
Susan Fogarty and Nikolaos Gonis 303
Christian Inscriptions from Egypt and Nubia 5 (2017)
Alain Delattre, Jitse Dijkstra, and Jacques van der Vliet 307
Hermann Harrauer and Rosario Pintaudi (eds.), “Papyrologica IV,” Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina 52.1-2 (2016) 11-290
(Peter van Minnen) 329
Serena Perrone, Papiri dell’Università di Genova (PUG), Volume Quinto
(Francisca Hoogendijk) 333
N. Gonis, D. Obbink, and P.J. Parsons (eds), The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Volume 82
(David Martinez) 336
Francesca Schironi, Τὸ μέγα βιβλίον: Book-Ends, End-Titles and Coronides in Papyri with Hexametric Poetry
(Alberto Nodar) 343
Brice C. Jones, New Testament Texts on Greek Amulets from Late Antiquity
(Theodore de Bruyn) 347
Arthur Verhoogt, Discarded, Discovered, Collected: The University of Michigan Papyrus Collection
(James G. Keenan) 354
Nadine Quenouille (ed.), Von der Pharaonenzeit bis zur Spätantike. Kulturelle Vielfalt im Fayum
(Emily Cole) 357
Stefan G. Caneva, From Alexander to the Theoi Adelphoi. Foundation and Legitimation of a Dynasty
(Dorothy J. Thompson) 361
Sandra Coussement, “Because I am Greek”: Polyonymy as an Expression of Ethnicity in Ptolemaic Egypt
(Christelle Fischer-Bovet) 366
Jean-Yves Strasser, La “bonne nouvelle.” La nouvelle de l’avènement d’un empereur et de la mort de son prédécesseur en Égypte
(Peter van Minnen) 373
François Lerouxel, Le marché du crédit dans le monde romain (Égypte et Campanie)
(Dennis P. Kehoe 376
Rudolf Haensch (ed.), Recht haben und Recht bekommen im Imperium Romanum. Das Gerichtswesen der römischen Kaiserzeit und seine dokumentarische Evidenz
(Peter van Minnen) 383
Malcolm Choat and Maria Chiara Giorda (eds.), Writing and Communication in Early Egyptian Monasticism
(Jitse H.F. Dijkstra) 389
Books Received 393
Ludwig Koenen Fellowship for Training in Papyrology 395
American Studies in Papyrology 397
Thucydides, Historiae 2.62.5-63.2 (P.Mich. inv. 5413 (a) Front; TM No. 131625)
Clara Bosak-Schroeder and Arthur Verhoogt 7
A New Christian Text Concerning the Lord Driving out Passions
Brice C. Jones and Ross P. Ponder 13
An Early Second Century BCE Account of Payments
Andrew Connor 21
P.CtYBR inv. 1233: Contract from Oxyrhynchus Issued by a Woman
Chance Bonar 39
Another Letter from Antonius Longus to His Mother Nilous
Lincoln H. Blumell, Emily Cole, and Willeke Wendrich 45
A Syriac Letter Reused for a Greek Tax Receipt from the Early Islamic Period
Tiggy McLaughlin and Lajos Berkes 59
P.Oxy. 24.2401 and the History of Terence’s Text in Antiquity
Gabriele Nocchi Macedo 71
Dating Philodemus’ Birth and Early Studies
Kilian Fleischer 119
A Critical Assessment of the Anonymus Londiniensis Papyrus
Jordi Crespo Saumell 129
The Textual Affinities of Sinaiticus’ Correctors in 2 Esdras
Pete Myers 157
An Overlooked Magical Formulary (P.Oxy. 3.433)
Michael Zellmann-Rohrer 195
Notes on Ptolemaic Texts
Demokritos Kaltsas 211
New Editions of Two Rent Receipts from the Archive of Mikkalos
W. Graham Claytor and Mohamed G. Elmaghrabi 219
Mouchis and Its Crocodiles: Topography, Toponymy, and Theonymy
Andreas Winkler 229
Warrants: Some Further Considerations on Their Typology
Paul Schubert 253
Bringing Together the Family for a Daughter’s Wedding: P.Yale 1.78 Reconsidered
Anastasia Maravela and Joanne Vera Stolk 275
L’esprit de l’escalier: The Term ἀναβατηρία in the Papyri
Andrew Connor 281
Notes on Papyri
Two Notes on Greek Liturgical Texts from Egypt
Peter van Minnen 289
P.Bingen 45 Revisited
Peter van Minnen 292
Κόροι, σάτα and κάβοι in P.Mur. 97
Michaël Girardin 294
Two Accounts with “Minus Carats” Figures
Nikolaos Gonis 297
SB 14.12098: Another “Curious Prescript”
Nikolaos Gonis 301
P.Oxy. 18.2195
Susan Fogarty and Nikolaos Gonis 303
Christian Inscriptions from Egypt and Nubia 5 (2017)
Alain Delattre, Jitse Dijkstra, and Jacques van der Vliet 307
Hermann Harrauer and Rosario Pintaudi (eds.), “Papyrologica IV,” Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina 52.1-2 (2016) 11-290
(Peter van Minnen) 329
Serena Perrone, Papiri dell’Università di Genova (PUG), Volume Quinto
(Francisca Hoogendijk) 333
N. Gonis, D. Obbink, and P.J. Parsons (eds), The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Volume 82
(David Martinez) 336
Francesca Schironi, Τὸ μέγα βιβλίον: Book-Ends, End-Titles and Coronides in Papyri with Hexametric Poetry
(Alberto Nodar) 343
Brice C. Jones, New Testament Texts on Greek Amulets from Late Antiquity
(Theodore de Bruyn) 347
Arthur Verhoogt, Discarded, Discovered, Collected: The University of Michigan Papyrus Collection
(James G. Keenan) 354
Nadine Quenouille (ed.), Von der Pharaonenzeit bis zur Spätantike. Kulturelle Vielfalt im Fayum
(Emily Cole) 357
Stefan G. Caneva, From Alexander to the Theoi Adelphoi. Foundation and Legitimation of a Dynasty
(Dorothy J. Thompson) 361
Sandra Coussement, “Because I am Greek”: Polyonymy as an Expression of Ethnicity in Ptolemaic Egypt
(Christelle Fischer-Bovet) 366
Jean-Yves Strasser, La “bonne nouvelle.” La nouvelle de l’avènement d’un empereur et de la mort de son prédécesseur en Égypte
(Peter van Minnen) 373
François Lerouxel, Le marché du crédit dans le monde romain (Égypte et Campanie)
(Dennis P. Kehoe 376
Rudolf Haensch (ed.), Recht haben und Recht bekommen im Imperium Romanum. Das Gerichtswesen der römischen Kaiserzeit und seine dokumentarische Evidenz
(Peter van Minnen) 383
Malcolm Choat and Maria Chiara Giorda (eds.), Writing and Communication in Early Egyptian Monasticism
(Jitse H.F. Dijkstra) 389
Books Received 393
Ludwig Koenen Fellowship for Training in Papyrology 395
American Studies in Papyrology 397
VOLUME 56 (2019)
A Message from the American Society of Papyrologists 7
Patroclus Undressed: A Yale Papyrus with Homerica on Recto and Verso 9
Mark de Kreij and Daniela Colomo
On the Usefulness of the North Wind in a Chreia Diogenis Cynici (P.Mich. inv. 6216z20): An Ancient Student Response Card? 39
Nikos Litinas
Two Petitions Addressed to Village Epistatai 55
Lajos Berkes and W. Graham Claytor
A First-Century Receipt from the Receivers of Public Clothing in Tebtunis 65
Matt Gibbs and C. Michael Sampson
Greek Tax Receipts from Abydos in the British Museum 79
Adrienn Almásy-Martin and Ruth Duttenhöfer
Unpublished Latin Papyri from Dura-Europos at the Beinecke Library 95
Giulio Iovine
New Evidence for the Circular Gymnasium and the City Fund in Antinoopolis 117
François Gerardin
A Contract between Aurelius Gennadius and Flavius Sarapammon 129
Jan DeWitt
Order from the Comes Phoibammon for Payment to a Locksmith 137
Irene Soto Marín
The Second Life of the El Hibeh Literary Papyri: A Case Study 145
Francesca Maltomini
Iliad 7 on a Double Parchment Leaf: P.Oxy.11.1389 Revised 161
Marcin Kotyl
P.Herc. 1015/832: Book 15, 16, or 19 of Philodemus’ On Rhetoric? 167
Graziano Ranocchia
An Updated Correction List for Chester Beatty BP II + P.Mich. Inv. 6238 173
Jacob W. Peterson
Ritual Evidence and the Art of Going Unnoticed in PGM I 222–231 and 247–262 197
Richard L. Phillips
Protection against Fear of Punishment from Hecate Ereschigal: Another Look at a Magical Recipe in Michigan (PGM LXX 4–19) 205
Christopher A. Faraone
Antaios, a Ptolemaic Strategos of Alexandria 225
Eddy Lanciers
Apomoira für die Rachegöttinnen: Neuedition von PUG 4.155 233
Thomas Backhuys
Notes on Papyri 251
Charikleia Armoni
Textile Terminology in the Apollonios Archive: A New Approach to the Meaning of Entype in P.Giss.Apoll. 20 259
Ines Bogensperger and Aikaterini Koroli
P.Philammon, “Law Cases” 1–6 (= BGU 4.1024, pp. 3.1–6.2): Some Textual Notes 275
A. Papathomas and N. Kanavou
New Readings of Personal Names 287
Nick Gonis
Notes on Papyri
Two Disjointed Fragments of P.Oxy. 81.5264 297
Giulio Leghissa
Another Text from the Archive of Mikkalos: A Correction to BGU 20.2868.11 299
Bianca Borrelli
A Note on a Christian Letter in Syriac: P.Mich. Inv. 7198 Front 301
Michael Zellmann-Rohrer
Christian Inscriptions from Egypt and Nubia 6 (2018) 305
Alain Delattre, Jitse Dijkstra, and Jacques van der Vliet
W. Graham Claytor and Arthur Verhoogt, Papyri from Karanis: The Granary C123 325
(Roger S. Bagnall)
Rodney Ast and Roger S. Bagnall, Amheida III: Ostraka from Trimithis, Volume 2 332
(Brendan Haug)
Anna Lucille Boozer, Amheida II: A Late Romano-Egyptian House in the Dakhla Oasis 335
(Thomas Landvatter)
Roger S. Bagnall, Nicola Aravecchia, Raffaella Cribiore, Paola Davoli, Olaf E. Kaper, and Susanna McFadden, An Oasis City 340
(Jennifer Sheridan Moss)
Ryan E. McConnell, Getting Rich in Late Antique Egypt 342
(Giuseppina Azzarello)
David Frankfurter, Christianizing Egypt: Syncretism and Local Worlds in Late Antiquity 350
(Ellen Poteet)
Renate Dekker, Episcopal Networks and Authority in Late Antique Egypt 360
(Giovanni Ruffini)
Jennifer A. Cromwell, Recording Village Life: A Coptic Scribe in Early Islamic Egypt 367
(Lajos Berkes)
Books Received 375
Ludwig Koenen Fellowship for Training in Papyrology 377
American Studies in Papyrology 379
VOLUME 57 (2020)
BASP 57 (2020)
A Message from the American Society of Papyrologists 7
An Arabic Papyrus Recording the Lineage of ̔Amr b. al- ̔Āṣ
Jelle Bruning and Khaled Younes 9
Two Papyri from the Archive of Mikkalos and the Establishment of the bibliotheke enkteseon
W. Graham Claytor 19
A Letter from Terentianus to Tasoucharion
Craig A. Harvey 43
A Petition Regarding Theft
Edward Nolan 49
An Order to the Police of Bakchias Mentioning the epistrategos
Michael Zellmann-Rohrer 55
Fragment of a Land Lease
David Wyman 61
A Loan Repayment from the Revolt of the Fulvii
Connor Purcell Wood 69
Coptic Ostraca Relating to Bishop Abraham of Hermonthis at Columbia University
Renate Dekker 75
A List of Payments (P.Mich. inv. 3553) and Accounting Practices at Bawit
Élodie Mazy 117
Deconstructing the Provenances of P.Sapph.Obbink
C. Michael Sampson 143
Coniectanea Bacchylidea (3)
Antonio Tibiletti 171
“The Cable Guy”: Constantine Simonides and Codex Mayerianus
Tommy Wasserman and Malcolm Choat 177
The Date of MS 193 in the Schøyen Collection: New Radiocarbon Evidence
Hugo Lundhaug 219
The Book of the Foreigner from Codex Tchacos
Lance Jenott 235
Papyri Tell Tales: Creating Narratives from Documents
James G. Keenan 277
Papyri from the Summer Institute in Papyrology at Washington University in St. Louis: Introduction
Todd Hickey 297
An Astrological Fragment from Oxyrhynchus
Roxanne Bélanger Sarrazin 303
A Private Letter from Oxyrhynchus Concerning Estate Management
Nicholas E. Wagner 311
An Acknowledgement of a Loan of Wheat and Barley from Oxyrhynchus
Roxanne Bélanger Sarrazin 321
Two Orders for Payment from Oxyrhynchus Mentioning a Leukadios
Alan Taylor Farnes 327
An Official Letter from Oxyrhynchus Mentioning a commonitorium
Anna Monte 341
A Shipping Document from Oxyrhynchus Dated by the Consul of 478
Todd Hickey 349
An Order to Supply a loricarius with Bread from Oxyrhrynchus
Alejandro Ruben Quintana 353
An Order to Pay from Oxyrhynchus
Nicholas E. Wagner 363
A Receipt for Delivery of Wine from the Apion Estate to the procurator of Kynopolis
Irene Soto Marín 367
Two Documents from Oxyrhynchus Relating to Wine Production
Rebecca Sausville 375
Notes on Papyri
Peter van Minnen 387
P.Oxy. 8.1114, P.NYU 2.2
Peter van Minnen 388
P.Petra 1.6.1015
James G. Keenan. 389
P.Masada 724 Revised
Andrea Bernini 394
Christian Inscriptions from Egypt and Nubia 7 (2019)
Alain Delattre, Jitse Dijkstra, and Jacques van der Vliet 397
Bart Van Beek, The Archive of the architektones Kleon and Theodoros (P. Petrie Kleon)
(Christelle Fischer-Bovet) 421
Dorota Dzierzbicka, Οἶνος: Production and Import of Wine in Graeco-Roman Egypt
(Peter van Minnen) 427
Christopher A. Faraone, The Transformation of Greek Amulets in Roman Imperial Times
(Mélanie Houle) 433
Chloé Ragazzoli, Ömür Harmanşah, Chiara Salvador, and Elizabeth Frood (eds.), Scribbling through History: Graffiti, Places and People from Antiquity to Modernity
(Jitse H.F. Dijkstra) 440
Books Received 443
Ludwig Koenen Fellowship for Training in Papyrology 445
American Studies in Papyrology 447
A Message from the American Society of Papyrologists 7
An Arabic Papyrus Recording the Lineage of ̔Amr b. al- ̔Āṣ
Jelle Bruning and Khaled Younes 9
Two Papyri from the Archive of Mikkalos and the Establishment of the bibliotheke enkteseon
W. Graham Claytor 19
A Letter from Terentianus to Tasoucharion
Craig A. Harvey 43
A Petition Regarding Theft
Edward Nolan 49
An Order to the Police of Bakchias Mentioning the epistrategos
Michael Zellmann-Rohrer 55
Fragment of a Land Lease
David Wyman 61
A Loan Repayment from the Revolt of the Fulvii
Connor Purcell Wood 69
Coptic Ostraca Relating to Bishop Abraham of Hermonthis at Columbia University
Renate Dekker 75
A List of Payments (P.Mich. inv. 3553) and Accounting Practices at Bawit
Élodie Mazy 117
Deconstructing the Provenances of P.Sapph.Obbink
C. Michael Sampson 143
Coniectanea Bacchylidea (3)
Antonio Tibiletti 171
“The Cable Guy”: Constantine Simonides and Codex Mayerianus
Tommy Wasserman and Malcolm Choat 177
The Date of MS 193 in the Schøyen Collection: New Radiocarbon Evidence
Hugo Lundhaug 219
The Book of the Foreigner from Codex Tchacos
Lance Jenott 235
Papyri Tell Tales: Creating Narratives from Documents
James G. Keenan 277
Papyri from the Summer Institute in Papyrology at Washington University in St. Louis: Introduction
Todd Hickey 297
An Astrological Fragment from Oxyrhynchus
Roxanne Bélanger Sarrazin 303
A Private Letter from Oxyrhynchus Concerning Estate Management
Nicholas E. Wagner 311
An Acknowledgement of a Loan of Wheat and Barley from Oxyrhynchus
Roxanne Bélanger Sarrazin 321
Two Orders for Payment from Oxyrhynchus Mentioning a Leukadios
Alan Taylor Farnes 327
An Official Letter from Oxyrhynchus Mentioning a commonitorium
Anna Monte 341
A Shipping Document from Oxyrhynchus Dated by the Consul of 478
Todd Hickey 349
An Order to Supply a loricarius with Bread from Oxyrhrynchus
Alejandro Ruben Quintana 353
An Order to Pay from Oxyrhynchus
Nicholas E. Wagner 363
A Receipt for Delivery of Wine from the Apion Estate to the procurator of Kynopolis
Irene Soto Marín 367
Two Documents from Oxyrhynchus Relating to Wine Production
Rebecca Sausville 375
Notes on Papyri
Peter van Minnen 387
P.Oxy. 8.1114, P.NYU 2.2
Peter van Minnen 388
P.Petra 1.6.1015
James G. Keenan. 389
P.Masada 724 Revised
Andrea Bernini 394
Christian Inscriptions from Egypt and Nubia 7 (2019)
Alain Delattre, Jitse Dijkstra, and Jacques van der Vliet 397
Bart Van Beek, The Archive of the architektones Kleon and Theodoros (P. Petrie Kleon)
(Christelle Fischer-Bovet) 421
Dorota Dzierzbicka, Οἶνος: Production and Import of Wine in Graeco-Roman Egypt
(Peter van Minnen) 427
Christopher A. Faraone, The Transformation of Greek Amulets in Roman Imperial Times
(Mélanie Houle) 433
Chloé Ragazzoli, Ömür Harmanşah, Chiara Salvador, and Elizabeth Frood (eds.), Scribbling through History: Graffiti, Places and People from Antiquity to Modernity
(Jitse H.F. Dijkstra) 440
Books Received 443
Ludwig Koenen Fellowship for Training in Papyrology 445
American Studies in Papyrology 447
Volume 58 (2021)
John Whitehorne (1944-2020)
Tim Renner ................................................................................ 7
The Ptolemies and the Myth of Andromeda and Perseus: Edition of P.Vindob. inv. G 42484
William Bruce ............................................................................ 9
“Your City is Memphis”: A Magical Formulary with a Prose Hymn
Michael Zellmann-Rohrer ......................................................... 23
Tra Archimede e Descartes: le 24 potenze di P.Vindob. G 27574
Federico Morelli ....................................................................... 33
A Ptolemaic Lease (P.Tebt. 1.137 descr.)
Caroline Cheung ....................................................................... 53
Un inedito frammento militare in lingua latina
Ornella Salati ............................................................................ 79
Two Archives of Ostraka from Ain es-Sabil
D. Mahmoud Masoud, Rodney Ast, and Roger S. Bagnall ...... 87
“I Renounced My Children as Aforesaid”: A Consensual Divorce of 369
Federica Micucci ...................................................................... 135
An Order from the Late Antique Herakleopolite Nome (P.Lund inv. 41)
Todd Hickey .............................................................................. 149
A Lease of a Room from Oxyrhynchus at Washington University in St. Louis
Serena Causo ............................................................................ 155
A Land Lease from Oxyrhynchus at Washington University in St. Louis
Anna Monte ............................................................................... 165
Three More Hermopolite Samaritans
Nikolaos Gonis .......................................................................... 173
A Byzantine Land Lease from Hermopolis
David Wyman ............................................................................ 177
Two Topographical Tax-Registers in Greek from Eighth-Century Fayyūm
Lajos Berkes and Brendan Haug .............................................. 187
A Companion of Muḥammad in the Oldest Egyptian Bilingual Entagion
Naïm Vanthieghem and Leiv Weitz ........................................... 203
A Written Obligation from al-Ušmūnayn from the Year 339 AH/ 950 CE
Ahmed Kamal Mamdouh ........................................................... 215
Menander’s Heros: A New Reconstruction of the Smaller Cairo Codex Fragments (δεζ, γO, θη)
Kyriaki A. Ioannidou ................................................................. 223
Textual Remarks on Two Papyri of the Greek Novel
Demokritos Kaltsas ................................................................... 247
Per una riedizione del trattato di ieroscopia P.Gen. inv. 161
Salvatore Costanza e Amphilochios Papathomas .................... 267
Carbon Dating and the Tchacos Codex
Christian Askeland .................................................................... 299
The Black Market in Oil in Ptolemaic Egypt
Nico Dogaer .............................................................................. 315
SB 10.10527 (TM 14312) and the Sale of Ousiac Land in Egypt
Yanne Broux .............................................................................. 343
Some Remarks on P.Carlsberg inv. 555 + PSI inv. D 111
Giulio Iovine .............................................................................. 359
New Readings of Personal Names (2)
Nikolaos Gonis .......................................................................... 377
Making Sense of the Numbers: Three Money Accounts from Seventh-
Century Fayyūm
Nikolaos Gonis and Federico Morelli ...................................... 387
Notes on Papyri
P.CtYBR inv. 4352
Georgios Papaioannou ............................................................. 401
P.Lond. 3.897
Nikos Litinas .............................................................................. 403
P.Princ. 3.142.15
Nikos Litinas .............................................................................. 405
Some “Minus Carats” Figures
Nikolaos Gonis .......................................................................... 407
Christian Inscriptions from Egypt and Nubia 8 (2020)
Alain Delattre, Jitse Dijkstra, and Jacques van der Vliet ....... 409
Alan Mugridge, Copying Early Christian Texts and Scott D. Charlesworth, Early Christian Gospels
(James R. Royse) ...................................................................... 461
Lorena Atzeri, Diritto romano dal deserto
(Peter van Minnen) ................................................................... 470
Cornelia E. Römer, The Fayoum Survey Project: The Themistou Meris, Volume A
(Paola Davoli) ........................................................................... 472
Giovanni R. Ruffini. Life in an Egyptian Village in Late Antiquity
(Ellen Poteet) ............................................................................. 477
Books Received ............................................................................... 487
Ludwig Koenen Fellowship for Training in Papyrology ……… 489
American Studies in Papyrology ................................................. 491
Tim Renner ................................................................................ 7
The Ptolemies and the Myth of Andromeda and Perseus: Edition of P.Vindob. inv. G 42484
William Bruce ............................................................................ 9
“Your City is Memphis”: A Magical Formulary with a Prose Hymn
Michael Zellmann-Rohrer ......................................................... 23
Tra Archimede e Descartes: le 24 potenze di P.Vindob. G 27574
Federico Morelli ....................................................................... 33
A Ptolemaic Lease (P.Tebt. 1.137 descr.)
Caroline Cheung ....................................................................... 53
Un inedito frammento militare in lingua latina
Ornella Salati ............................................................................ 79
Two Archives of Ostraka from Ain es-Sabil
D. Mahmoud Masoud, Rodney Ast, and Roger S. Bagnall ...... 87
“I Renounced My Children as Aforesaid”: A Consensual Divorce of 369
Federica Micucci ...................................................................... 135
An Order from the Late Antique Herakleopolite Nome (P.Lund inv. 41)
Todd Hickey .............................................................................. 149
A Lease of a Room from Oxyrhynchus at Washington University in St. Louis
Serena Causo ............................................................................ 155
A Land Lease from Oxyrhynchus at Washington University in St. Louis
Anna Monte ............................................................................... 165
Three More Hermopolite Samaritans
Nikolaos Gonis .......................................................................... 173
A Byzantine Land Lease from Hermopolis
David Wyman ............................................................................ 177
Two Topographical Tax-Registers in Greek from Eighth-Century Fayyūm
Lajos Berkes and Brendan Haug .............................................. 187
A Companion of Muḥammad in the Oldest Egyptian Bilingual Entagion
Naïm Vanthieghem and Leiv Weitz ........................................... 203
A Written Obligation from al-Ušmūnayn from the Year 339 AH/ 950 CE
Ahmed Kamal Mamdouh ........................................................... 215
Menander’s Heros: A New Reconstruction of the Smaller Cairo Codex Fragments (δεζ, γO, θη)
Kyriaki A. Ioannidou ................................................................. 223
Textual Remarks on Two Papyri of the Greek Novel
Demokritos Kaltsas ................................................................... 247
Per una riedizione del trattato di ieroscopia P.Gen. inv. 161
Salvatore Costanza e Amphilochios Papathomas .................... 267
Carbon Dating and the Tchacos Codex
Christian Askeland .................................................................... 299
The Black Market in Oil in Ptolemaic Egypt
Nico Dogaer .............................................................................. 315
SB 10.10527 (TM 14312) and the Sale of Ousiac Land in Egypt
Yanne Broux .............................................................................. 343
Some Remarks on P.Carlsberg inv. 555 + PSI inv. D 111
Giulio Iovine .............................................................................. 359
New Readings of Personal Names (2)
Nikolaos Gonis .......................................................................... 377
Making Sense of the Numbers: Three Money Accounts from Seventh-
Century Fayyūm
Nikolaos Gonis and Federico Morelli ...................................... 387
Notes on Papyri
P.CtYBR inv. 4352
Georgios Papaioannou ............................................................. 401
P.Lond. 3.897
Nikos Litinas .............................................................................. 403
P.Princ. 3.142.15
Nikos Litinas .............................................................................. 405
Some “Minus Carats” Figures
Nikolaos Gonis .......................................................................... 407
Christian Inscriptions from Egypt and Nubia 8 (2020)
Alain Delattre, Jitse Dijkstra, and Jacques van der Vliet ....... 409
Alan Mugridge, Copying Early Christian Texts and Scott D. Charlesworth, Early Christian Gospels
(James R. Royse) ...................................................................... 461
Lorena Atzeri, Diritto romano dal deserto
(Peter van Minnen) ................................................................... 470
Cornelia E. Römer, The Fayoum Survey Project: The Themistou Meris, Volume A
(Paola Davoli) ........................................................................... 472
Giovanni R. Ruffini. Life in an Egyptian Village in Late Antiquity
(Ellen Poteet) ............................................................................. 477
Books Received ............................................................................... 487
Ludwig Koenen Fellowship for Training in Papyrology ……… 489
American Studies in Papyrology ................................................. 491